Annual Report 2022

19 年報 2022 ANNUAL REPORT MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層論述及分析 儘管出現上述情況,本集團的整體營運及財務 狀況仍然穩定。於二零二二年十二月三十一日 的銀行及現金結餘(包括已抵押銀行存款)為港 幣 225,908,000 元。為應對當前持續的新冠肺 炎疫情下充滿挑戰的經營環境及地緣政治衝突 引發動盪的國際經濟形勢,本集團將繼續密切 關注市場情況,並對其策略及營運進行必要的 調整,以提高效率及盈利能力。董事會建議派 發截至二零二二年十二月三十一日止財政年度 之末期股息每股港幣 0.73 仙(惟需於即將舉行 的股東周年大會上經股東批准)。 持續經營業務之鋼簾線分部 營業額 於本年度回顧,全球市場充滿挑戰和不確定 性。曠日持久的全球疫情、地緣政治緊張局勢 加劇、能源價格上漲及息率飆升等諸多不利因 素導致環球經濟受挫。在中國,經濟受到疫情 多處爆發、極端高溫天氣等多重超預期因素的 反覆衝擊,因此需求下降、供應中斷和預期經 濟疲軟的壓力繼續演變,而發展環境的複雜 性、嚴重性和不確定性也在增加。中國國內生 產總值於二零二二年增加 3.0% ,較二零二一 年的 8.1% 大幅放緩。 Despite the above situation, the Group’s overall operational and financial position remains stable. Bank and cash balances (including pledged bank deposits) as at 31 December 2022 were HK$225,908,000. In response to the current challenging operating environment under the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the volatile international economic conditions stemmed from geopolitical conflicts, the Group will continue to closely monitor the market situations and make necessary adjustments to its strategies and operations to improve efficiency and profitability. The Board has proposed a final dividend of HK0.73 cent per Share in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2022 (subject to Shareholders’ approval at the forthcoming annual general meeting). Continuing operations of steel cord segment Revenue During the year under review, there were full of challenges and uncertainties for the global market. The lingering effects of the protracted global pandemic, rising geopolitical tensions, soaring energy prices and escalating interest rate hikes have conflated to batter and bruise the world economy. In China, the economy continued to be hit hard by numerous unexpected factors including multiple outbreaks, extreme weather of severe heatwave, etc. As a result, the pressure of declining demand, supply disruption and expected weakening of the economy continued to evolve, while the level of complexity, severity and uncertainty of the development environment increased. China’s GDP grew by 3.0% in 2022, a sharp slowdown from the 8.1% pace recorded in 2021.