Annual Report 2022

20 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層論述及分析 截 至 二 零 二 二 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 止 年 度,本 集 團 之 鋼 簾 線 分 部 的 營 業 額 為 港 幣 2,462,767,000 元( 二 零 二 一 年: 港 幣 2,693,480,000 元),較上一年度減少 8.6% 。受 子午線輪胎需求轉弱影響,鋼簾線分部於本期 間售出 193,701 噸鋼簾線,較去年的 217,105 噸減少 10.8% 。在切割鋼絲產品的銷售方面, 由於我們努力不懈地開拓新客戶,以及光伏、 藍寶石和磁性材料市場的好轉,銷售量從去年 同期的 598 噸增加 25.8% 至 752 噸。我們其他 鋼絲產品的銷售額從同期的 9,410 噸減少 5.6% 到 8,886 噸。本年度此分部的銷售量分析如下: For the year ended 31 December 2022, the Group’s revenue of steel cord segment amounted to HK$2,462,767,000 (2021: HK$2,693,480,000), representing a decrease of 8.6% from the previous year. Affected by the weaker demand of radial tyres, the steel cord segment sold 193,701 tonnes of steel cord during the period, decreased by 10.8% as compared to 217,105 tonnes last year. In respect of the sales of sawing wire products, it increased by 25.8% from 598 tonnes to 752 tonnes for the corresponding period last year attributable to our persistent effort in exploring new customers as well as the improvement of the photovoltaic, sapphire, and magnetic material markets. There was a 5.6% decrease in the sales of our other steel wire products from 9,410 tonnes to 8,886 tonnes for the corresponding period. The sales volume of this segment for the period is analysed as follows: Year ended 31 December 截至十二月三十一日止年度 2022 2021 二零二二年 二零二一年 Sales volume (Tonnes) % of total sales volume of steel cords Sales volume (Tonnes) % of total sales volume of steel cords % change 銷售量(噸) 佔鋼簾線 總銷售量 百分比 (%) 銷售量(噸) 佔鋼簾線 總銷售量 百分比 (%) 變動 (%) Steel cords for: 鋼簾線用於: – truck tyres -載重輪胎 113,889 58.8 146,965 67.7 –22.5 – off the road truck tyres -工程輪胎 10,628 5.5 7,390 3.4 +43.8 – passenger car tyres -轎車輪胎 69,184 35.7 62,750 28.9 +10.3 Total for steel cords 鋼簾線合計 193,701 100.0 217,105 100.0 –10.8 Sawing wire products 切割鋼絲產品 752 598 +25.8 Other steel wires 其他鋼絲 8,886 9,410 –5.6 Total 總計 203,339 227,113 –10.5