Annual Report 2022

21 年報 2022 ANNUAL REPORT MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層論述及分析 本年度銷售組合沒有重大變化,鋼簾線銷售中 載重輪胎用鋼簾線佔本年度鋼簾線總銷售量 58.8% ,比去年下降了 8.9 個百分點,保持本 年度本集團最大的鋼簾線銷售量。由於我們銷 售團隊的巨大努力,鋼簾線銷售中工程輪胎用 鋼簾線銷售量從去年的 7,390 噸增加 43.8% 至 10,628 噸。 鋼簾線銷售按地區而言,於本年度出口銷 售 量 共 72,304 噸,比 去 年 報 66,160 噸,上 升 9.3% 。出口銷售量佔本年度總銷售量 37.3% ,而去年則為 30.5% ,標誌著我們的品 牌越來越受到國際輪胎製造商的認可。本年度 鋼簾線按地區的銷售量明細如下: There was no significant change in sales mix during the year, the proportion of sales of steel cords for truck tyres accounted for 58.8% of total sales volume of steel cords for the year, decreased by 8.9 percentage points as compared to the previous year, it remained as the largest sales volume of steel cords of the Group for the year. Attributable to the great effort made by our sales team, the sales of steel cords for off the road truck tyres increased by 43.8% to 10,628 tonnes from 7,390 tonnes last year. In respect of sales of steel cords by region, the volume of export sales amounted to 72,304 tonnes for the year, increased by 9.3% as compared to 66,160 tonnes last year. The volume of export sales represented 37.3% of total sales volume for the year, compared to 30.5% for last year, signalling the increasing recognition of our brand to the international tyres manufacturers. The breakdown of sales volume of steel cords for the year by geographical location is as follows: Year ended 31 December 截至十二月三十一日止年度 2022 2021 二零二二年 二零二一年 Sales volume (Tonnes) % of total sales volume of steel cords Sales volume (Tonnes) % of total sales volume of steel cords % change 銷售量(噸) 佔鋼簾線 總銷售量 百分比 (%) 銷售量(噸) 佔鋼簾線 總銷售量 百分比 (%) 變動 (%) PRC 中國 121,397 62.7 150,945 69.5 –19.6 Export sales: 出口銷售: Asia (other than PRC) 亞洲(中國除外) 36,001 18.6 35,977 16.6 +0.1 EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) EMEA (歐洲、中東和非洲) 21,446 11.1 18,391 8.5 +16.6 North America 北美洲 9,569 4.9 6,332 2.9 +51.1 South America 南美洲 5,288 2.7 5,460 2.5 –3.2 Total export sales 出口銷售總數 72,304 37.3 66,160 30.5 +9.3 Total 總計 193,701 100.0 217,105 100.0 –10.8