Annual Report 2022

22 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層論述及分析 毛利 於本年度此分部之毛利比去年的下降 20.4% 至港幣 329,236,000 元(二零二一年:港幣 413,360,000 元)。毛利率亦由去年報 15.3% 減 少至本年度的 13.4% 。這主要是由於生產成本 的上漲未能完全轉嫁至下游。 已終止經營之銅及黃銅材料業務 整體表現 考慮到集中本集團更多管理關注及釋放內部資 源以優先考慮具有盈利能力的鋼簾線業務,本 集團於二零一九年九月停止經營銅及黃銅材料 分部的全部業務。該業務於截至二零二二年及 二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度沒有營業額 及虧損。 財務回顧 營業額 於本年度,本集團來自持續經營業務之營業額 報港幣 2,464,242,000 元(二零二一年:港幣 2,694,810,000 元),比去年同期減少 8.6% 。於 本年度本集團來自持續經營業務之營業額明細 如下: Gross profit Gross profit of this segment decreased by 20.4% over last year to HK$329,236,000 (2021: HK$413,360,000) for the year. The gross profit margin also decreased from 15.3% over last year to 13.4% for the year. This was mainly because the increase in production costs could not be fully passed to the downstream. Discontinued operation of copper and brass products business Overall performance In view of generating greater managerial focus and releasing internal resources for the Group to prioritise the profitable steel cord business, the Group ceased all the operations of the copper and brass products segment in September 2019. This business recorded no revenue and loss for the year ended 31 December 2022 and 2021. FINANCIAL REVIEW Revenue Revenue for the continuing operations of the Group amounted to HK$2,464,242,000 (2021: HK$2,694,810,000) for the year, decreased by 8.6% over last year. The breakdown of revenue for the continuing operations of the Group for the year is as follows: Year ended 31 December 截至十二月三十一日止年度 2022 2021 二零二二年 二零二一年 HK$’000 % of total revenue HK$’000 % of total revenue % change 港幣千元 佔總營業額 百分比 (%) 港幣千元 佔總營業額 百分比 (%) 變動 (%) Steel cords 鋼簾線 2,462,767 99.9 2,693,480 99.9 –8.6 Property rental 物業租賃 1,475 0.1 1,330 0.1 +10.9 Total 總計 2,464,242 100.0 2,694,810 100.0 –8.6