Annual Report 2022
30 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層論述及分析 自採納該計劃以來,直至其於二零二二年五月 二十八日屆滿,概無根據該計劃授出、行使、 失效、註銷或尚未行使之購股權。於該計劃屆 滿後,概無採納新的購股權計劃。 或然負債及資產押記 於二零二二年十二月三十一日,本集團並無或 然負債。 於二零二二年十二月三十一日,抵押作銀行借 款及應付票據的資產的賬面價值為: 1. 應收票據港幣 335,000 元;及 2. 銀行存款港幣 80,101,000 元。 業務展望 二零二零年以來,新冠肺炎疫情在全球蔓延, 嚴重打擊了世界經濟。隨著有效防控疫情措施 的實施,自二零二零年第一季度末以來,中國 經濟逐步恢復穩定增長。於二零二二年,中國 爆發了嚴重的新冠肺炎疫情,對本公司的業務 及經營利潤產生嚴重影響。此外,中美關係和 俄烏衝突帶來的威脅在二零二二年仍帶來一 定的影響,導致供應鏈中斷的持續時間超過預 期,這種全球供應導致許多國家進一步通脹。 因此,導致截至二零二二年十二月三十一日止 年度的淨溢利減少。但我們,首佳科技,根據 以下幾點,對我們的業務充滿信心和樂觀: • 隨著疫情有所緩和,全球各地政府亦逐步 放寬檢疫措施,使我們的日常生活逐步恢 復正常。因此,二零二三年中國發展主要 預期目標是國內生產總值增長 5% 左右, 而其經濟有望繼續向潛在增速回歸; Since the adoption of the Scheme, no options have been granted, exercised, lapsed, cancelled or outstanding thereunder until it expired on 28 May 2022. No new share option scheme has been adopted after the expiration of the Scheme. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND PLEDGE OF ASSETS The Group had no contingent liabilities at 31 December 2022. At 31 December 2022, the carrying amounts of assets pledged as security for bank borrowings and bills payables are: 1. Bills receivables of HK$335,000; and 2. Bank deposits of HK$80,101,000. BUSINESS OUTLOOK The COVID-19 epidemic has spread globally and severely hit the world economy since 2020. Following the implementation of effective measures to prevent and control the epidemic, China has gradually resumed steady economic growth since the late first quarter of 2020. In 2022, severe COVID-19 epidemic outbreaks in China significantly affected the Company’s business and operating profit. Besides, the threat posed by the Sino-American relations and the Russia- Ukraine conflict still brought certain impacts in 2022 which have led to supply chain disruptions lasting longer than expected, and such global supply has caused further inflation in many countries. Therefore, it resulted in the decrease in the net profit for the year ended 31 December 2022. But we, Shougang Century, are confident and optimistic about our business in light of the followings: • The moderation of the epidemic and gradual relaxation of the government across the globe’s quarantine measures had a positive effect on returning our daily life to normalcy gradually. Therefore, the expected goal of China’s development in 2023 is to increase the GDP by approximately 5% and its economy is expected to continue to return to its potential growth rate;