Annual Report 2022
32 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 致力於實行及達到高水平之企業管治,並認為 一個有效率之風險管理及內部監控系統對於本 公司的長遠發展是甚為重要的。為了維持一個 完好及有效率之風險管理及內部監控系統,董 事會定期檢討本公司及其附屬公司的日常企業 管治常規及程序,並促使本公司及其附屬公司 已嚴謹地遵守有關的法律及規定,以及監管機 構的規則和指引。 企業文化 首佳科技致力於發展以誠信、務實、高效為原 則的企業文化。我們的文化已經融入到我們的 日常運營、商業模式以及與持份者的關係中, 並透過本集團廣泛的程序、指引和標準得以支 持。這讓本集團僱員能夠上下一心,通過提供 優質的產品為客戶創造價值,為本公司的股東 取得最大的回報,同時為社會和環境方面作出 貢獻。 The Board is committed to practising and achieving a high standard of corporate governance and also recognises that effective risk management and internal control systems are crucial to the long-term development of the Company. In order to maintain sound and effective risk management and internal control systems, the Board periodically reviews the daily corporate governance practices and procedures of the Company and its subsidiaries and procures the Company and its subsidiaries to strictly comply with the relevant laws and regulations, and the rules and guidelines of regulatory bodies. CORPORATE CULTURE Shougang Century is committed to developing a corporate culture which is based on the principle of integrity, pragmatism and efficiency. Our culture is embedded in our daily operations, business model and relations with stakeholders and is supported by a wide range of procedures, guidelines and standards of the Group. This allows employees across the Group with a concerted effort to create value by providing quality products to customers, maximise return to the shareholder of the Company whilst contribute to community in social and environment perspectives.