Annual Report 2022
37 年報 2022 ANNUAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 確保董事會取得獨立觀點機制之概要 為確保董事會可獲得獨立的觀點和意見,以確 保董事會有強大的獨立元素,本公司之確保董 事會取得獨立觀點機制已於二零二二年十二月 二十八日獲提名委員會建議並獲董事會採納。 確保董事會取得獨立觀點機制概述如下: (1) 董事會及董事委員會的組成 董事會現有三名獨立非執行董事,佔董事 會成員人數多於三分之一以上,使董事會 有強大的獨立元素。另外,董事會已成立 多個董事委員會,分別為薪酬委員會、提 名委員會及審核委員會,各委員會中大部 分成員為獨立非執行董事,以確保取得獨 立觀點。其中薪酬委員會及審核委員會, 由獨立非執行董事擔任委員會主席。 (2) 獨立性 每名獨立非執行董事每年向本公司確認 其獨立性及已全面遵守上市規則第 3.13 條之獨立性指引。 每名獨立非執行董事均需每年提交「評估 本公司獨立非執行董事及其直系親屬的 獨立性之申報表」,以加強評估本公司獨 立非執行董事的獨立性及提高獨立非執 行董事與本公司關係的透明度。 The summary of Mechanisms ensuring Independent Views available to the Board In order to ensure independent views and input are available to the Board and a strong independent element on the board, the Mechanisms ensuring Independent Views available to the Board has been recommended by the Nomination Committee and adopted by the Board on 28 December 2022. The Mechanisms ensuring Independent Views available to the Board is summarised as follows: (1) Composition of the Board and Board Committees The Board has three independent non-executive Directors which represent more than one-third of the Board, so that there is a strong element of independence in the Board. Also, the Board has established various board committees, namely remuneration committee, nomination committee and audit committee. The majority of the committee members are independent non-executive Directors, so as to ensure independent views are available. The remuneration committee and audit committee are chaired by an independent non- executive Director. (2) Independence Each independent non-executive Director must provide an annual confirmation of his independence to the Company, which have fully complied with the independence guidelines set out in Rule 3.13 of the Listing Rules. In order to strengthen the assessment of independent non-executive Director’s independence of the Company and to improve transparency of independent non- executive Directors’ relationships with the Company, every independent non-executive Directors must submit a “Declaration form on assessment of independence of independent non-executive Director(s) and his/her immediate family members of the Company” annually.