Annual Report 2022
38 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 (3) 董事局決策 獨立非執行董事(包括其他董事)有權就 董事會會議上的討論事項,向公司管理 層要求提供其他額外(管理層主動提供以 外)的資料及文件,並有權取得本公司之 公司秘書的意見和協助。另外,獨立非執 行董事(包括其他董事)可按合理要求,在 適當的情況下尋求獨立專業意見,費用由 本公司支付。 董事會主席至少每年與所有獨立非執行 董事舉行一次沒有其他董事出席的會 議,此舉提供了有效平台讓主席就本集團 各項議題聽取獨立意見。 (4) 酬金 本公司並無給予獨立非執行董事帶有績 效表現相關元素的股本權益酬金(例如購 股權或贈授股份),因為這或導致其決策 偏頗並影響其客觀性和獨立性。 偏離守則之守則條文 C.2.1 條 於本年度回顧,本公司的董事長與董事總經理 之角色均由蘇凡荣先生擔任,故偏離守則的守 則條文 C.2.1 條。該守則條文規定董事長與董 事總經理的角色應有區分,並不應由同一人擔 任。考慮到蘇先生在各方面,特別是管理鋼鐵 行業及銷售方面擁有的豐富知識和經驗,董事 會認為目前的安排仍可使公司能夠及時制定決 策以實現本公司目標。此外,董事會由經驗豐 富、高質素及具有足夠獨立元素之人士組成, 而重大決策均在與董事會成員、相關董事會委 員會及管理人員協商後作出。董事會因此認為 有足夠的制衡機制來作出符合本公司及其股東 整體利益的決定。董事會亦將不時檢討管理架 構,並在需要時將董事長與董事總經理的角色 分開。 (3) Board Decision Making Independent non-executive Directors (including other directors) are entitled to seek for more information and documents than is volunteered from management of the Company on the matters to be discussed at board meetings, and get accessed to the advice and assistance of the company secretary of the Company. Independent non-executive Directors (including other directors) can also, upon reasonable request, seek independent professional advice in appropriate circumstances, at the Company’s expense. The chairman of the Board shall at least annually hold meetings with all the independent non-executive Directors without the presence of other Directors. This provides an effective platform for the chairman to listen independent views on various issues concerning the Group. (4) Remuneration No equity-based remuneration (e.g. share options or grants) with performance-related elements will be granted to INEDs by the Company as this may lead to bias in their decision- making and compromise their objectivity and independence. Deviation from code provision C.2.1 of the Code During the year under review, the roles of chairman and managing Director in the Company are performed by Mr. Su Fanrong which constitutes the deviation from the code provision C.2.1 of the Code which stipulates that the roles of chairman and managing Director should be separate and should not be performed by the same person. In consideration of Mr. Su’s extensive knowledge and experience in various aspects, in particular the management in the steel industry and sales area, the Board considers this present arrangement still enables the Company to make decisions promptly in the formulation and implementation of the Company’s strategies in achieving corporate goals. In addition, the Board comprises individuals with experienced, high-calibre and adequate independent element in the composition of the Board, and major decisions are made in consultation with the Board members, relevant Board committees and management. The Board is therefore of the view that there are sufficient checks and balances amongst the Board to reach decisions in the interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole. The Board will review the management structure from time to time and the need to separate the roles of the chairman of the Board and the managing Director into two individuals.