Annual Report 2022
41 年報 2022 ANNUAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 附註: 楊俊林先生於二零二二年七月一日獲委任為執行 董事及於二零二二年七月八日獲委任為董事副總 經理。 董事於接受委任時及有任何變動已適時披露其 於公眾公司或組織擔任職位的數目及性質以及 其他重大承擔,和擔任該等公眾公司或組織所 涉及的時間。特別是,林耀堅先生持有超過七 間上市公司的董事職位。然而,董事會認為他 仍可投入足夠時間擔任獨立非執行董事,其依 據是: (i) 彼已確認其能夠及將投入足夠的時間 履行其作為獨立非執行董事的職責和責任; (ii) 彼並不專注於任何全職工作,而彼作為其他上 市公司的獨立非執行董事的目前承諾不會要求 其全職參與,並且彼不會參與該等上市公司的 日常營運; (iii) 憑藉彼豐富的經驗和知識,尤其 是根據其背景和過去的經驗中獲得和發展的企 業管治(包括彼在其他上市公司的董事職位), 彼完全了解獨立非執行董事的職責和預期的工 作時間; (iv) 彼曾在任職的其中八間上市公司 中擔任董事職位超過三年;及 (v) 彼已展示出有 足夠的時間透過參加彼持有董事職位之上市公 司在最近一個財政年度的董事會會議和董事委 員會會議來履行對該等上市公司各自應負的職 責,如該等上市公司最新發布的年度報告中所 述。 Legal, Regulatory and corporate governance updates Group’s policies/ businesses Anti-corruption training and other professional development programs Name of Director 董事姓名 法律、法規及 企業管治更新 本集團的 政策╱業務 反貪污培訓及 其他專業發展課程 Su Fanrong 蘇凡荣 Yang Junlin (Note) 楊俊林 (附註) Ye Qian 葉芊 Li Jinping 李金平 Adam Touhig Adam Touhig Yip Kin Man, Raymond 葉健民 Lam Yiu Kin 林耀堅 Feng Yaoling 馮耀嶺 Note: Mr. Yang Junlin was appointed as an executive Director on 1 July 2022 and appointed as a deputy managing Director on 8 July 2022. Directors have disclosed to the Company at the time of his appointment and in a timely manner for any change, the number and nature of offices held in public companies or organisations and other significant commitments and the time involvement in those public companies or organisations. In particular, Mr. Lam Yiu Kin holds more than seven listed company directorships. The Board, however, still believes that he is able to devote sufficient time to act as an independent non-executive Director on the basis that (i) he has confirmed he is able to and will devote sufficient time to discharge his duties and responsibilities as an independent non-executive Director; (ii) he is not preoccupied with any full-time work and none of his current commitments as an independent non- executive director of the other listed companies would require his full-time involvement and he does not participate in the day-to-day operations of those listed companies; (iii) with his extensive experience and knowledge, particularly on corporate governance acquired and developed from his background and past experience (including his directorships in other listed companies), he is fully aware of the responsibilities and expected time involvement for independent non-executive directors; (iv) he has held directorships for over three years in eight of the listed companies he worked; and (v) he has demonstrated that he is able to devote sufficient time to discharge his duties owed to each of the listed companies he has held directorship by attending board meetings and board committee meetings of these listed companies during their latest financial year, as disclosed in these listed companies’ latest published annual reports.