Annual Report 2022
67 年報 2022 ANNUAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 公司秘書 本公司之公司秘書為本集團之全職僱員。彼需 向董事長及╱或向董事總經理匯報。於本年 度,本公司之公司秘書已遵守上市規則第 3.29 條有關專業培訓之規定。 多元化 本公司自二零一三年起採納董事會成員多元 化政策。除考慮董事會多元化元素外,在考慮 提名新董事時,提名委員會成員將依據提名公 司董事政策以候選人的資歷、能力、工作經驗 及其專業操守,尤其是其在本集團之業務╱行 業及╱或其他專業領域之經驗作考慮。提名委 員會將根據提名公司董事政策就以上考慮因素 (如合適)建議給董事會考慮及採納,而有關提 名委員會成員於本年度舉行的會議之出席紀錄 已列載於本報告第 39 頁內之「 出席紀錄 」內。 董事會成員多元化政策概要及其可計量目 標 董事會成員多元化政策已由提名委員會成員檢 討及建議,並經董事批准。 董事會成員多元化政策概述如下: • 說明多元化(包括性別多元化)裨益良 多,及從廣泛的人才中吸納、保留和激勵 董事的重要性,及認識到發展更廣大和更 多元化有技能和經驗的僱員,及從他們的 技能就成為高級管理層和董事會職位做 好準備,以提升公司的表現; COMPANY SECRETARY The company secretary of the Company is a full time employee of the Group. She reports to the chairman and/ or managing Director. During the year, the company secretary of the Company has duly complied with the relevant professional training requirement under Rule 3.29 of the Listing Rules. DIVERSITY The Board Diversity Policy has been adopted since 2013. Other than the elements of board diversity, in considering the nomination of new directors, the nomination committee members will subject to the Policy for Nomination of a Director of the Company take into account the qualification, ability, working experience and professional ethics of the candidates, especially their experience in the business/ industry of the Group and/or other professional areas. The nomination committee then put forward the recommendation in respect of the above factors, where appropriate, to the Board for consideration and adoption according to the Policy for Nomination of a Director of the Company. The attendance record of the nomination committee members at the meetings during the year is set out in the “ Attendance Record ” on page 39 of this report. The summary of Board Diversity Policy and its measurable objectives The Board Diversity Policy has been reviewed and recommended by nomination committee members, and approved by Directors. The Board Diversity Policy is summarised as follows: • articulate the benefits of diversity, including gender diversity, and the importance of being able to attract, retain and motivate Directors from the widest possible pool of available talent, and also aware of development of a boarder and more diverse pool of skilled and experienced employee and that, in their skills, will prepare for senior management and board position to enhance the quality of its performance;