Annual Report 2022

68 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 • 顯示本公司致力從多方面考慮多元化的 承諾,包括但不限於性別語言、年齡、宗 教、社經地位、文化及教育背景、種族、 專業經驗、地區及行業經驗、技能、知 識、思想作風、技術及服務任期,特別是 注重性別多元化,獨立非執行董事的獨立 性以及技能和經驗;及 • 準備董事會技巧矩陣有助董事會評估其 當下的能力及多元化狀況,找出任何可能 存在的不足。 提名委員會將每年討論與協商達成董事會多元 化的所有可計量目標,並向董事會推薦採納。 在任何適當的時間,董事會可從一個或多個方 面尋求改善多元化及計量目標的進度。 董事會制定了以下可計量目標,並定期審查實 現目標的進度: • express the Company’s commitment to diversity at all levels, including but not limited to gender, language, age, religion, social-economic status, cultural and educational background, ethnicity, professional experience, regional and industry experience, skills, knowledge, thinking styles, know-how and length of service, in particular focus on gender diversity, independence of the independent non-executive Directors and skills and experience; and • prepare a board skills matrix helping the Board to assess the current mix of competencies and diversity on the Board and identify any gaps that may exist. The nomination committee will discuss and agree annually all measurable objectives for achieving diversity on the Board and recommend to the Board for adoption. At any given time the Board may seek to improve one or more aspects of its diversity and measure progress accordingly. The Board sets the following measurable objectives and the progress for achieving the objectives to be reviewed regularly: Progress of Measurable Objective in 2022 Completion date of the goal 二零二二年可計量目標之進度 達標時間表 Articulate to the board members and/or the management the benefits of diversity policies and the progress in gender diversity on Hong Kong Boards (through but not limited to: (i) reading presentation materials or (ii) trainings) 28 November 2022 二零二二年十一月二十八日 向董事會成員和╱或管理層闡明多元化政策的好處以及 香港董事會在性別多元化方面的進展(通過但不限於: (i) 閱讀演示材料或 (ii) 培訓) Measurable Objective in 2023 & 2024 Timeline of the goal 二零二三年及二零二四年可計量目標 達標時間表 Appointment of at least one female Board member On or before 31 December 2024 委任至少一名女性董事會成員 二零二四年十二月三十一日或之前