Annual Report 2022
69 年報 2022 ANNUAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 董事多元化 本公司認識到董事會多元化是支持實現本公司 目標及其可持續發展的重要因素。 我們的董事會在任期、多元化和年齡方面取得 了平衡,有效地結合了經驗和新觀點。於本年 報日期,所有董事會成員均為男性。根據上市 規則第 13.92 條,聯交所不會視成員全屬單一 性別的董事會達到成員多元化。未來,董事會 將採取措施,在選擇和推薦合適的董事會任命 人選時增加女性成員的比例。提名委員會將通 過企業內部或人才市場物色潛在候選人,以建 立一個可以達到性別多元化的潛在董事繼任人 管道,並在必要時尋求專業獵頭公司的協助。 僱員的性別多元化 在僱員層面,本集團旨在創造一個包容和安全 的工作環境,讓每個人都得到平等對待,沒有 歧視和性別偏見。所有僱員都有權在招聘、職 業發展、晉升、福利和培訓方面享有平等機會。 於二零二二年十二月三十一日,本集團僱員 (包括高級管理人員)的男女比例是 85 比 15 , 其中辦公室男女比例為 54 比 46 ,而鋼簾線廠 房男女比例為 86 比 14 。由於製造業的工作性 質,本集團於鋼簾線業務實現性別多元化比較 有難度。儘管如此,本集團將積極倡導包括男 女機會平等在內的企業原則和價值觀,並會透 過不同的措施,如增添機器設備,並優化工作 流程,減少對男性工人的依賴,從而提升性別 多元化。有關本集團性別比例的詳情連同相關 數據,載於二零二二年度環境、社會及管治報 告內。 Board Diversity The Company recognises that board diversity is an essential element in supporting the attainment of the Company’s objectives and its sustainable development. Our Board has a balance of tenure, diversity and age, with an effective mix of experience and fresh perspective. As at the date of this annual report, all Board members are male. According to Rule 13.92 of the Listing Rules, the Stock Exchange will not consider diversity to be achieved for a single gender board. In the future, the Board will take steps to increase the proportion of female members when selecting and making recommendation on suitable candidates for Board appointments. The Nomination Committee will look for potential candidates through the inner-enterprise or the talent market in order to develop a pipeline of potential successors to the Board to achieve gender diversity, and will seek assistance from professional search firms if necessary. Gender Diversity across Workforce At workforce level, the Group aims to create an inclusive and safe working environment where everyone is treated equally and free from discrimination and gender bias. All employees are entitled to have equal opportunity in recruitment, career development, promotion, benefits and training. As at 31 December 2022, the ratio of men to women in the workforce (including senior management) of the Group was 85:15, of which the ratio of men to women in the office being 54:46 and the ratio of men to women in the steel cord plants being 86:14. Due to the nature of work in the manufacturing industry, it is relatively difficult to achieve gender diversity across the workforce in steel cord business of the Group. Nevertheless, the Group will actively promote corporate principles and values which include equal opportunity for men and women, and to reduce the reliance on male workers through implementing different measures, such as provision of additional machinery and equipment as well as optimisation of the work process and thereby enhance gender diversity. Details on the gender ratio of the Group together with relevant data can be found in the 2022 ESG Report.