Annual Report 2022
71 年報 2022 ANNUAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 (e) 必須經提出該要求的人認證;及 (f) 必須由本公司股份過戶登記處核實,在確 定為適當及符合程序後,本公司公司秘書 將要求董事會召開股東大會,並按照法定 要求給予本公司所有登記成員╱股東充 分的通知期。反之,若有關要求經核實為 不符合程序,請求人將獲知會結果,而本 公司亦不會按要求召開股東大會。 成員股東和其他持份者向董事會提出查詢 與關注的程序 誠邀成員╱股東和其他持份者瀏覽本公司網站 ,獲取 有關本公司的最新資料。建議成員╱股東和其 他持份者可將有關對董事會的查詢與關注:- (a) 郵寄至本公司註冊辦事處,地址為香港 柴灣新業街 6 號安力工業中心 12 樓 1215 室,註明公司秘書收啟;或 (b) 電 郵 至 並 註明本公司投資者關係部收啟。 本公司將會按成員╱股東或其他持份者要求之 溝通渠道回應他們之提問或當有關資訊在網上 發放後,本公司將直接提供相關資料到他們所 登記的電郵及如有需要將轉交有關查詢予董事 會跟進。 (e) must be authenticated by the person or persons making it; and (f) must be verified with the share registrar of the Company, and upon the share registrar’s confirmation that the request is proper and in order, the company secretary of the Company will notify the Board to convene a GM by serving proper notice in accordance with the statutory requirements to all the registered members/Shareholders of the Company. On the contrary, if the request has been verified as not in order, the requesting members/Shareholders will be informed of this outcome and accordingly, a GM will not be convened as requested. Procedures for members/Shareholders and other stakeholders to send enquires and concerns to the Board Members/Shareholders and other stakeholders are invited to access the Company’s website at http://www. for up-to-date information of the Company. They are advised to send enquires and concerns to the Board:– (a) by post at the registered office of the Company situated at Room 1215, 12/F., Honour Industrial Centre, 6 Sun Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong for the attention of the Company Secretary; or (b) by email to for the attention of our Investor Relations section. The Company will make response to members/Shareholders’ questions through their required communication channels or deliver the relevant material directly to their email as soon as the information becomes available online and make necessary arrangement for direction of enquires to the Board, if required.