Annual Report 2022
86 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 環境政策及表現 (續) 除了上述措施,本集團亦為董事和僱員安排了 進一步培訓及參與由不同組織舉辦之活動,使 他們認識到保護環境的重要性,並於辦公室和 生產線推廣職業安全健康。例如鼓勵我們的僱 員參與由建造業議會及香港綠色建築議會合辦 的「香港綠色建築週 2022 」,加強僱員對環境保 護的意識及提高其對綠色建築議題和可持續生 活方式的認識。為推廣工作地點的職業安全健 康及環境保護的概念,我們亦自二零一七年起 參與由世界綠色組織舉辦的「綠色辦公室獎勵 計劃」和「健康工作間獎勵計劃」。這些為支持 該政策而實施的措施和安排的培訓乃根據本集 團的需求和實際情況而決定的,並將會每年由 管理層進行檢討。 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES AND PERFORMANCE (continued) In addition to the above measures, the Group has also provided further trainings to Directors and employees and has participated in activities organised by various organisations to emphasise the importance of environmental protection and to promote occupational health and safety in offices and production lines. For instance, to encourage our employees to participate the “Hong Kong Green Building Week 2022” organised by Construction Industry Council and The Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited, to strengthen employees’ awareness of environmental protection and raise their awareness of green building issues and sustainable lifestyles. To promote the concept of occupational health and safety in offices and environmental protection, we also participated in the “Green Office Awards Labelling Scheme” and “Eco-Healthy Workplace Awards Labelling Scheme” organised by World Green Organisation since 2017. These measures and trainings taken and provided by the Group in supporting the Policy are based on the needs and actual circumstances of the Group and will be reviewed by the management annually.