Annual Report 2008

Annual Report 2008 年報 9 經營業績 儘管光學、光電零件及光學儀器需求於年內保持 穩定,然而,產品的平均銷售價格下降、勞動成 本上升、人民幣升值以及有效稅率提高等方面的 不利因素均為公司營運帶來壓力。 本集團於二零零八財政年度內的銷售收入減 少 8.3% 至 約 人 民 幣 1,267,100,000 元, 而 公 司 股權持有人應佔溢利則減少 65.2% 至約人民幣 78,400,000 元。此外,每股基本收益減少 68.0% 至約人民幣 0.08 元。董事會(「董事會」)建議派發 全年股息每股人民幣 0.020 元。 如上所述,集團於年內不斷提升自身的核心競爭 力,並積極開拓銷售網絡及擴大客戶群,以紓緩 外在不利因素對本集團的影響,並為未來的發展 奠下堅實的基礎。 獎項及嘉許 本集團多年的不懈努力,獲得福布斯雜誌表彰 為「二零零八年中國最具潛力企業」的前二十名 及「最佳企業二百強(營業額十億美元或以下)」。 本集團亦獲得中國行業的信任和讚許,獲得獎項 如「二零零七年度產品質量信用中國五百強」、 「二零零八年寧波市百強企業」。集團高品質的產 品及服務亦獲得客戶的廣泛認可,我們亦於二零 零八年度「中國三星(大中華區域)供貨商董事長 交流會」上獲得中國三星本社頒發感謝牌,以及 在東莞三星電機的「光學質量革新展」獲頒「最優 秀供貨商」及「二零零八年最佳供貨商」;騰龍光 學授予的「綠色合作夥伴」;希姆通授予的「優秀 供貨商」;聯想授予的「二零零八年最佳支持供貨 商」;深圳桑菲授予的「二零零七至二零零八傑出 供貨商」。本集團將倍加珍惜各媒體、機構及客戶 授予集團的各種榮譽,繼續努力,再接再厲! OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE While demand for our optical, optoelectronic components and optical instruments remained steady, we did see pressures from the unfavourable factors such as decline in average selling price, rise in labour cost, appreciation of RMB and increase in effective tax rates. The Group’s revenues decreased by 8.3% during the financial year 2008 to approximately RMB1,267.1 million. Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company decreased by 65.2% to approximately RMB78.4 million, while basic earnings per share decreased by 68.0% to approximately RMB0.08. The Board of Directors (the “Board”) has proposed a final dividend of RMB0.020 per share. As mentioned above, the Group enhanced its own competitiveness continuously and expanded its sales network and customer base proactively during the year, with an aims to cushion the impacts of unfavourable factors on the Group and lay a sound foundation for its future development. AWARDS AND ACCOLADES As a testament to our on-going efforts, we have won recognitions and accolades from Forbes Magazine. These awards included the ranked amongst the top 20 “China Best SMEs 2008” and “200 Best Under A Billion”. The Group also won credit and appreciations in the PRC industry and clients, including the “2007 Top 500 Quality Products Enterprises” and “Top 100 Enterprises in Ningbo. 2008”. We are widely recognised for our quality products and services. We also received awards of appreciation from SAMSUNG at the “2008 Samsung Supplier Chairman Forum (greater China region)”, “Best Supplier” at “Evolution of Optical Product Quality Exhibition” and “2008 Excellent Supplier” by Dongguan Samsung; “Eco-Partner” by Tamaron Optical; the “Most Outstanding Suppliers” by SIM Technology; the “Best Supportive Suppliers for 2008” by Lenovo and the “Outstanding Suppliers for 2007 to 2008” by Shenzhen Sang Fei. The Group cherishs the honours granted by the media, institutions and customers, and will continue to work for excellence.