Annual Report 2008

Annual Report 2008 年報 117 12. 董事及僱員酬金(續) 本集團的五名最高薪酬人士均包括兩名董 事,其酬金詳情載於上文。其餘三名(二零 零七年:三名)最高薪酬人士的酬金如下: 於所呈報兩年內已付五名最高薪酬人士的酬 金總額不超過 1,000,000 港元(約等於人民幣 889,000 元)。 於兩年內,本集團並無向五名最高薪酬人士 (包括董事及僱員)支付酬金,作為邀請其加 入或加入本集團後的獎金或作為離職補償。 附註: 1. 截至二零零七年十二月三十一日止年度,兩 名董事放棄收取酬金總額為人民幣 188,000 元 (二零零八年:無)。 2. 李英倫先生於二零零七年五月十八日獲委任, 於二零零七年九月三十日辭任。 3. 考績花紅乃由董事會根據本集團於各財政年度 的表現釐定,惟不可高於本公司股權持有人應 佔綜合溢利的 5% 。 12.DIRECTORS’ AND EMPLOYEE’S EMOLUMENTS (Continued) The five highest paid individuals of the Group included 2 directors for both years. Details of their emoluments are set out above. The emoluments of the remaining 3 (2007: 3) highest paid individuals were as follows: 2008 2007 二零零八年 二零零七年 RMB’000 RMB’000 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 Employees 僱員  – salaries and other allowances -薪金及其他津貼 992 996  – bonuses (note 3) -花紅(附註 3 ) 1,005 589  – retirement benefit scheme contributions -退休福利計劃供款 54 36 2,051 1,621 The aggregated emolument of each of the five highest paid individuals during both years presented are not more than HK$1,000,000 (equivalent approximately to RMB889,000). During both years, no emoluments were paid by the Group to the five highest paid individuals (including directors and employees) as an inducement to join or upon joining the Group or as compensation for loss of office. Notes: 1. During the year ended 31 December 2007, 2 directors waived emoluments in an aggregate amount of RMB188,000 (2008: Nil). 2. Li Tyson Sandy Ying Lun was appointed on 18 May 2007 and resigned on 30 September 2007. 3. The performance related bonus payment is determined by the board of directors based on the Group’s performance for each financial year and subject to a maximum of 5% of consolidated profit attributable to equity holders of the Company.