Annual Report 2008
Annual Report 2008 年報 15 光學儀器 受惠於國家在食品安全、環保及教育等領域投入 的增加,光學儀器業務於二零零八年財政年度 持續錄得增長,銷售收入較上一財政年度上升 1.2% ,至約為人民幣 130,000,000 元。此業務佔 本集團的總銷售收入約為 10.3% ,而在上一財政 年度則佔約 9.3% 。 年內,光學儀器業務成功開發多項顯微、測量及 分析儀器產品,包括金相顯微鏡、珠寶顯微鏡、 和防水水準儀及寬屏掃描型雙光束紫外光(可見 光)光度計、色譜儀等。本集團於二零零八年二 月於新加坡成立一所主要從事研究和開發高端光 學儀器的新公司,並於年底成功開發三維影像測 量儀和顯微干涉儀。 生產 本集團的產品主要由分別位於中國浙江省余姚 市、廣東省中山市及上海市的三個生產基地生產。 二零零八年,我們的產量位居行業前列。下表顯 示各分部的產能: Optical Instruments Benefited from the increases in national expenditure for food safety, environmental protection, education etc., optical instruments business continued to deliver growth in the financial year 2008 with revenue increased by 1.2% over the previous financial year to approximately RMB130.0 million. This business accounted for approximately 10.3% of the Group’s revenue versus approximately 9.3% in the previous financial year. During the year, various new microscopes, surveying and analytical instruments were developed successfully, including the metallurgical microscopes, jewelry microscopes, and the water-proof level as well as large-screen scanning ratio beam UV-Vis spectrophotometers, gas chromatographs etc. In February 2008, the Group set up a new company in Singapore primarily for the R&D of high-end optical instruments. 3D optical vision measuring machines and microscopic interferometers were developed successfully at the end of the year. Production The Group currently operates three production bases in Yuyao of Zhejiang province, Zhongshan of Guangdong province and Shanghai in the PRC respectively. Our manufacturing and production figures in 2008 is positioned amongst the leading companies in the sector. Production capacity attributable to each segment as follows: 2008 2007 二零零八年 二零零七年 Change 變更 Lenes 180.0 mn units 168.0 mn units 7.1% 鏡片 180,000,000 塊 168,000,000 塊 7.1% Lens sets 144.0 mn units 144.0 mn units 0% 鏡頭 144,000,000 套 144,000,000 套 0% Optoelectronic products 72.0 mn units 72.0 mn units 0% 光電產品 72,000,000 件 72,000,000 件 0% Optical instruments 199.2 k sets 199.2 k sets 0% 光學儀器 199,200 組 199,200 組 0%