Annual Report 2008
Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 18 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析 財務回顧 銷售收入 截至二零零八年十二月三十一日止年度,本集團 的銷售收入較上一財政年度減少約 8.3% 至約為人 民幣 1,267,100,000 元。減少的主要原因是手機相 關產品銷售的下降。 光學零件業務的銷售收入增長約 12.6% 至約為人 民幣 580,000,000 元,主要是由於電子消費產品 的多家知名新客戶增加其訂單及數碼相機鏡片業 務增長。 光電產品業務的銷售收入下降 24.5% 至約為人民 幣 557,100,000 元。下降主要是由於國內手機市 場需求增長放緩及價格下降,導致手機照相模組 平均售價及出貨量下降所致。 光學儀器業務的銷售收入較上一財政年度輕微上 升約 1.2% 至約為人民幣 130,000,000 元,增長主 要受惠於國家對醫療、公共衛生、食品安全、教 育等領域投入的增加。 毛利及毛利率 二 零 零 八 年 財 政 年 度 的 毛 利 約 為 人 民 幣 250,800,000 元,較上一財政年度錄得的約為人 民幣 376,600,000 元減少約人民幣 125,800,000 元。毛利率由 27.3% 降至 19.8% ,主要原因為產 品平均售價下降,產能利用率不足,勞工成本上 升及人民幣升值。 Financial Review Revenue The Group’s revenue for the year ended 31 December 2008 decreased by approximately 8.3% over the previous financial year to approximately RMB1,267.1 million as a result of the decrease in revenue from the handset related products. Revenue generated from optical components business increased by approximately 12.6% to approximately RMB580.0 million. The increase was driven by the increased sales orders for the consumer electronic products from various notable brands and the growth of the DC lens business. The optoelectronic products business recorded a decline of 24.5% to approximately RMB557.1 million. Such decline was mainly attributable to the decrease in ASP and the shipment of handset camera modules caused by the declining growth in demand and market price for domestic handsets. For the optical instruments business, revenue slightly increased by 1.2% over the previous financial year, reaching approximately RMB130.0 million. The growth driver was the increase in national expenditure for medical, public health, food safety, education etc. Gross Profit and Margin The gross profit for the financial year 2008 was approximately RMB250.8 million, a decrease of approximately RMB125.8 million as compared to approximately RMB376.6 million for the previous financial year. Gross margin for the year also declined from 27.3% to 19.8%. This was mainly due to the decreased ASP of products, inadequate capacity utilization, rising labour costs and appreciation of RMB.