Annual Report 2008

Annual Report 2008 年報 47 董事會監察本公司業務及事務的管理,主要職責 為確保本公司合法行事,在考慮個別股東的利益 同時保障整體股東的最佳利益。 董事會已成立指定委員會,制定其須輔助董事會 有效履行職能的書面職權範圍。董事委員會包括 審核委員會、薪酬委員會、提名委員會以及策略 及發展委員會,各委員會已獲委派指定職責。 董事會向本集團管理層委派指定工作,包括執行 董事會通過的策略及決策,在公開報告前編製供 董事會審批的賬目。 執行、非執行及獨立非執行董事已各自與本公司 訂立持續服務合約,須遵守本公司章程細則及守 則條文有關輪值告退及膺選連任的規定。各董事 間概無任何財務、業務、家庭關係或其他重大關 係。 獨立非執行董事為本公司注入多樣化的業內知 識,向管理層建議策略發展及確保董事會維持高 水準的財務及其他強制性申報,提供足夠監控和 協調,保障股東及本公司整體利益。 各獨立非執行董事已分別向本公司提交書面確 認,確認其已符合上市規則第 3.13 條有關評核 董事獨立性指引的相關規定。本公司相信,全體 獨立非執行董事均一直遵守該規則所載的相關指 引,且仍然視為保持獨立身份。 The Board supervises the management of the business and affairs of the Company. The Board’s primary duty is to ensure the validity of the Company and to ensure that it is managed in the best interests of the shareholders as a whole while taking into account the interests of other stakeholders. The Board has established four specific committees with written terms of reference to assist it in the efficient implementation of its functions, namely the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee and Strategy and Development Committee. Specific responsibilities have been delegated to the above committees. The Board delegates specific tasks to the Group’s management including the implementation of strategies and decisions approved by the Board and the preparation of accounts for approval by the Board before public reporting. Each of the executive, non-executive, and independent non-executive Directors has entered into a continuous service contract with the Company and is subject to the rotational retirement and re-election requirements of the Company’s Articles of Association and the Code Provisions. None of the Directors has any financial, business, family relationships or any relationships in other material aspects with each other. The independent non-executive Directors contribute to the Company with diversified industry expertise, advise the management on strategy development and ensure that the Board maintains high standards of financial and other mandatory reporting as well as provide adequate checks and balances to safeguard the interests of shareholders and the Company as a whole. Each of independent non-executive Directors has given a written confirmation to the Company confirming that he has met the criteria set out in Rule 3.13 of the Listing Rules regarding the guidelines for the assessment of independence of Directors. The Company believes that the independent non-executive Directors have all complied with the relevant guidelines as stipulated in such rule and are still considered as independent.