Interim Report 2018

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 簡明綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月 100 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited INTERIM REPORT 2018 25. 貿易及其他應付款項(續) 貨品採購的信貸期最多為 180 天(二零一七 年: 180 天)及應付票據的信貸期為 90 天至 180 天(二零一七年: 90 天至 180 天)。本集 團已實施財務風險管理政策,以確保所有應 付款項於信貸期內支付。 25.TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES (Continued) 30 June 31 December 2018 2017 二零一八年 六月三十日 二零一七年 十二月三十一日 RMB’000 RMB’000 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 (unaudited) (audited) (未經審核) (經審核) Other payables 其他應付款項 Payables for purchase of property, plant and equipment 購置物業、機器及設備應付款項 129,089 133,647 Payable for acquisition of assets 收購資產應付款項 – 3,520 Staff salaries and welfare payables 應付員工薪金及福利 393,479 461,953 Advances from customers 客戶墊付款項 – 76,050 Payable for acquisition of patents 收購專利應付款項 40,681 40,224 Value added tax payables and other tax payables 應付增值稅及其他應付稅項 36,195 171,324 Technology grant payables 應付科技補助金 – 25,832 Commission payables 應付佣金 8,742 11,078 Interest payable 應付利息 67,716 3,314 Rental and utilities payable 應付租金及公用事業費用 11,913 15,017 Accrued research and development expenses 應計研發開支 – 1,272 Deposit in advance (Note 24) 預付按金(附註 24 ) 58,121 – Others 其他 23,168 51,245 769,104 994,476 6,046,971 6,182,802 Non-current liability 非流動負債 Long term payables 長期應付款項 Payable for acquisition of patent 收購專利應付款項 362,852 347,294 The credit period on purchases of goods is up to 180 days (2017: 180 days) and the credit period for note payables is 90 days to 180 days (2017: 90 days to 180 days). The Group has financial risk management policies in place to ensure that all payables are settled within the credit time frame.