Interim Report 2018

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 簡明綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 2018 中期報告 101 26. 銀行借貸 於本中期期間,本集團獲得新增銀行借貸約 人民幣 923,964,000 元(二零一七年同期:人 民幣 1,005,817,000 元)。該筆款項用作營運 資金及收購物業、機器及設備。本集團已償 還銀行借貸約人民幣 802,047,000 元(二零一 七年同期:人民幣 453,570,000 元),符合有 關還款條款。 於二零一八年六月三十日及二零一七年十 二月三十一日,總額約人民幣 886,624,000 元(二零一七年十二月三十一日:人民幣 712,881,000 元)的借貸以美元計值。本集團 借貸按 3.92% 的固定年利率及 2.73% 至 3.92% 的可變年利率(二零一七年十二月三十一日: 3.92% 及 2.26% 至 3.92% )計息。 於二零一八年六月三十日,並無借貸由本集 團若干樓宇及土地擔保。 27. 遞延收入 26.BANK BORROWINGS During the current interim period, the Group obtained new bank borrowings with amounts of approximately RMB923,964,000 (corresponding period of 2017: RMB1,005,817,000). The proceeds were used to meet the working capital requirement and acquisitions of property, plant and equipment. Repayment of bank borrowings amounting to approximately RMB802,047,000 (corresponding period of 2017: RMB453,570,000) were made in line with the relevant repayment terms. As at 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017, the borrowings with a total amount of approximately RMB886,624,000 (31 December 2017: RMB712,881,000) were denominated in United States Dollar. The Group’s borrowings carried fixed-rate of 3.92% and variable-rate of 2.73% to 3.92% (31 December 2017: 3.92% and 2.26% to 3.92%) per annum. As at 30 June 2018, no borrowings are secured by certain buildings and land of the Group. 27.DEFERRED INCOME Six months ended 30 June 截至六月三十日止六個月 2018 2017 二零一八年 二零一七年 RMB’000 RMB’000 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 (unaudited) (unaudited) (未經審核) (未經審核) Amounts credited to profit or loss during the period: 期內計入損益金額: Subsidies related to technology enhancement of production lines 生產線技術改進補貼 11,480 4,389 Subsidies related to research and development of technology projects 技術項目研發補貼 12,720 2,754 Incentive subsidies 獎勵補貼 36,298 6,556 60,498 13,699