Interim Report 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 2018 中期報告 9 光學儀器 於回顧期內,受惠於宏觀經濟環境的恢復以及整 個電子市場回暖對相關儀器設備需求的增加,光 學儀器事業的收入約人民幣 133,200,000 元,較 去年同期增長約 8.7% 。此業務部門佔本集團的總 收入約 1.1% ,而在去年同期則約佔 1.2% 。 於回顧期內,本集團繼續深化儀器系統方案集成 商的角色轉變,顯微儀器和智能裝備兩大板塊分 別得到了成長與突破。在顯微儀器板塊,本集團 著力於產品的研發與推廣,進一步強化市場營銷 能力,產品結構得到持續改善。國內首創應用於 基因測序領域的 20 倍超大視場物鏡開始量產。在 智能裝備板塊,本集團自主開發的手機攝像模組 調焦機和結核分枝桿菌顯微掃描系統均已實現量 產。此外,本集團也將繼續加強對工業、教育、 醫療領域高端光學儀器的研發及市場的投入,以 維持本集團中長期的穩固發展。 生產 本集團的產品主要由分別位於中國浙江省餘姚 市、廣東省中山市、上海市及河南省信陽市的四 個生產基地生產。此外,本集團亦在美國加利福 尼亞州矽谷設立了附屬公司,負責北美地區的技 術支持、市場推廣及客戶開拓。 Optical Instruments During the period under review, benefiting from the recovery of macroeconomic environment and the increased demand for the entire electronic market for relevant instruments and equipment because of its recovery, the revenue from the Optical Instruments business segment amounted to approximately RMB133.2 million, representing an increase of approximately 8.7% over the corresponding period of last year. This business segment accounted for approximately 1.1% of the Group’s total revenue as compared with approximately 1.2% in the corresponding period of last year. During the period under review, the Group continued to deepen the role transformation of instrument system solution integrators, and has achieved growth and breakthroughs in each of the two business segments, namely microscopic instruments and intelligent equipment. As for the microscopic instruments business segment, the Group focused on the R&D and promotion of products and further strengthened its marketing capabilities with the product structure experiencing continued improvement. The objective lens with 20 times extra-large field of view, which was first applied to the field of gene sequencing in China, has commenced mass production. As for the intelligent equipment business segment, the chip camera modules focus tester and mycobacterium tuberculosis microscopy scanning system independently developed by the Group have commenced mass production. In addition, the Group will also continue to enhance investments in the R&D and marketing of high- end optical instruments in industrial, educational and medical fields to maintain the mid- to long-term stable development of the Group. Production The Group’s products are mainly manufactured in four production bases in Yuyao of Zhejiang Province, Zhongshan of Guangdong Province, Shanghai and Xinyang of Henan Province in the PRC, respectively. In addition, the Group has also established a subsidiary in Silicon Valley, California, the United States, which is responsible for technical support, marketing and customer base expansion in North America.