Interim Report 2018

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 簡明綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 2018 中期報告 113 33. 公允值計量(續) Financial assets Fair value as at Fair value hierarchy Valuation technique and key inputs 金融資產 於以下日期的公允值 公允值等級 估值法及主要輸入數據 30 June 2018 (unaudited) 31 December 2017 (audited) 二零一八年六月三十日 (未經審核) 二零一七年十二月三十一日 (經審核) Foreign currency options contracts classified as derivatives financial assets and liabilities 分類為衍生金融資產及 負債的外匯期權合約 Current and non-current derivative financial assets: RMB938,000 流動及非流動衍生金融資產: 人民幣 938,000 元 Current and non-current derivative financial assets: RMB3,375,000 流動及非流動衍生金融資產: 人民幣 3,375,000 元 Level 3 第三級 Black-scholes model Key unobservable inputs: Volatility of the foreign exchange rate (Note 1) 柏力克-舒爾斯模式 主要不可觀察輸入數據: 匯率波動(附註 1 ) Current and non-current derivative financial liabilities: RMB2,919,000 流動及非流動衍生金融負債: 人民幣 2,919,000 元 Current and non-current derivative financial liabilities: RMB4,247,000 流動及非流動衍生金融負債: 人民幣 4,247,000 元 Unquoted equity investments 無報價股權投資 Equity instruments at FVTOCI: RMB162,363,000 按公允值計入其他全面收益列賬 的權益工具: 人民幣 162,363,000 元 Equity investments at FVTPL: RMB56,750,000 按公允值計入損益的股權投資: 人民幣 56,750,000 元 Nil 無 Level 3 第三級 Income approach Key unobservable inputs: (1) Long term revenue growth rates, taking into management's experience and knowledge of market conditions of the specific industry; (2) Weighted average cost of capital (Note 2) 收入法 主要不可觀察輸入數據: (1) 長期收益增長率,經考慮管理層的經驗 及對某行業市場的知識: (2) 加權平均資本成本(附註 2 ) Note 1: The higher the volatility of the foreign exchange rate, the higher the fair value; Note 2: The higher the long term revenue growth, the higher the fair value; The higher the weighted average cost of capital, the lower the fair value. There is no transfer among level 1, 2 and 3 during the period. 33.FA I R V A L U E M E A S U R E M E N T (Continued) 附註 1 : 匯率愈波動,公允值愈高; 附註 2 : 長期收益增長愈高,公允值愈高;加權平 均資本成本愈高,公允值愈低。 期內第一、二級與第三級之間並無轉移。