Interim Report 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 10 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited INTERIM REPORT 2018 FINANCIAL REVIEW Revenue For the six months ended 30 June 2018, the Group’s revenue was approximately RMB11,976.4 million, representing an increase of approximately 19.4% or approximately RMB1,944.7 million as compared with the corresponding period of last year. The increase in revenue was mainly benefited from the Group’s further development in smartphone related businesses and rapid development in the vehicle imaging field. Revenue generated from the Optical Components business segment increased by approximately 40.1% to approximately RMB2,656.3 million as compared with the corresponding period of last year. The increase in revenue was mainly attributable to the growth in the shipment volume of handset lens sets and vehicle lens sets, as well as the increase in the average selling price brought by the improvement of product mix of handset lens sets. Revenue generated from the Optoelectronic Products business segment increased by approximately 14.6% to approximately RMB9,186.9 million as compared with the corresponding period of last year. The increase in revenue was mainly attributable to the growth in the shipment volume of handset camera modules. Revenue generated from the Optical Instruments business segment increased by approximately 8.7% to approximately RMB133.2 million as compared with the corresponding period of last year. The increase in revenue was mainly attributable to the recovery of the market demands for industrial instruments and the increased revenue from intelligent equipments. 財務回顧 收入 截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月,本集團的 收入約人民幣 11,976,400,000 元,較去年同期增 加約 19.4% 或約人民幣 1,944,700,000 元。收入上 升的主要原因是受惠於本集團在智能手機相關業 務的進一步發展及車載成像領域的快速發展。 光學零件事業的收入較去年同期上升約 40.1% 至 約人民幣 2,656,300,000 元。收入增長主要是因為 手機鏡頭及車載鏡頭出貨量的上升,及手機鏡頭 的產品結構改善所帶來的平均售價的提升。 光電產品事業的收入較去年同期上升約 14.6% 至 約人民幣 9,186,900,000 元。收入增長主要是因為 手機攝像模組出貨量的上升。 光學儀器事業的收入較去年同期上升約 8.7% 至約 人民幣 133,200,000 元。收入增長主要是因為工 業儀器的市場需求回暖,以及智能裝備的收入增 加。