Interim Report 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 2018 中期報告 11 毛利及毛利率 截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月,本集團 的毛利約人民幣 2,320,100,000 元,毛利率約 19.4% ,較去年同期下降約 1.2 個百分點。毛利 率下降主要是由於手機攝像模組的毛利率同比 下降,其主要是因為: (i) 今年上半年處於流程優 化、產線佈局調整和製造人員結構調整等過程 中,導致成本增加且效率有所降低;及 (ii) 新基地 開始投入使用,使用率尚有待提高。其中光學零 件事業的毛利率約 42.0% (二零一七年同期:約 43.7% ),光電產品事業的毛利率約 9.4% (二零一 七年同期:約 12.7% )及光學儀器事業的毛利率 約 38.3% (二零一七年同期:約 42.2% )。 銷售及分銷費用 截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月,本集團的 銷售及分銷費用較去年同期減少約 8.8% 或約人 民幣 9,200,000 元至約人民幣 95,500,000 元,佔 本集團收入約 0.8% ,所佔比例較去年同期下降約 0.2 個百分點。絕對值的減少主要是由於銷售佣金 減少。 研發費用 截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月,本集團 的研發費用較去年同期增加約 1.8% 或約人民幣 9,400,000 元至約人民幣 544,500,000 元,佔本集 團收入約 4.5% ,所佔比例較去年同期下降約 0.8 個百分點。有關絕對值的增長乃本集團持續投放 資金於研發項目及業務發展所致。研發費用主要 用於高規格手機鏡頭及手機攝像模組、創新型移 動終端光電產品、車載鏡頭、紅外產品、安防監 控系統產品、中高階光學儀器和智能設備的研發。 Gross Profit and Margin The Group’s gross profit for the six months ended 30 June 2018 was approximately RMB2,320.1 million and the gross profit margin was approximately 19.4%, which was approximately 1.2 percentage points lower than that for the corresponding period of last year. The decrease in gross profit margin was mainly due to the year-on-year decrease of gross profit margin of handset camera modules, mainly because (i) the Group was in the process optimization, production line layout adjustment, and manufacturing personnel structure adjustment and other processes during the first half of this year, resulting in increased costs and reduced efficiency; and (ii) the new production base was put into operation and its utilization rate needs to be improved. The gross profit margins of the Optical Components business segment, the Optoelectronic Products business segment and the Optical Instruments business segment were approximately 42.0%, 9.4% and 38.3%, respectively (corresponding period of 2017: approximately 43.7%, 12.7% and 42.2%, respectively). Selling and Distribution Expenses The Group’s selling and distribution expenses for the six months ended 30 June 2018 decreased by approximately 8.8% or approximately RMB9.2 million to approximately RMB95.5 million as compared with the corresponding period of last year, accounting for approximately 0.8% of the Group’s revenue, which was approximately 0.2 percentage point lower than that for the corresponding period of last year. The decrease in absolute amount was primarily attributable to the decreased sales commission. R&D Expenditure The Group’s R&D expenditure for the six months ended 30 June 2018 increased by approximately 1.8% or approximately RMB9.4 million to approximately RMB544.5 million as compared with the corresponding period of last year, accounting for approximately 4.5% of the Group’s revenue, which was approximately 0.8 percentage point lower than that for the corresponding period of last year. The increase in absolute amount was attributable to the Group’s continuous investments in R&D activities and business development. The R&D expenditure was mainly used in the R&D of high-end handset lens sets and handset camera modules, innovative mobile terminal optoelectronic products, vehicle lens sets, infrared products, security surveillance system products, mid- to high-end optical instruments and intelligent equipments.