Interim Report 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 2018 中期報告 23 展望及未來策略 本集團領導人帶領全體員工堅持不懈,發奮圖 強,秉承繼續將集團做強做大的使命,同時不斷 開拓創新,使得本集團各方面的業務均取得了良 好的發展。於回顧期內,本集團的表現相當穩 健。雖然全球經濟的增長依然存在不確定因素, 但本集團仍然保持年初對於其全年的營運持基 本樂觀的態度。本集團已加速各業務的轉型與升 級,繼續貫徹年初所制定的發展策略。 1. 繼續做透做精現有優勢業務,進一步營造本 集團的市場競爭力,鞏固市場領先地位 於回顧期內,本集團保持了以下優勢: • 堅定不移地加大關鍵技術的研發與投 入,在產品的性能上保持領先性,營造 技術競爭力; • 切實推進製造工藝的開發與優化,加快 提高產線自動化進程,以確保生產效率 與產品品質,營造製造競爭力; • 持續推進精益製造管理,優化管理職能 和流程,以提高產線柔性化和產品交付 能力,營造管理競爭力; • 持續加強供應鏈建設,顯著提升採購效 率,有效降低採購成本,營造供應鏈競 爭力。 通過營造以上幾個方面競爭力,本集團將進 一步形成整體競爭優勢,提升市場地位。 OUTLOOK AND FUTURE STRATEGIES Adhering to the mission of ensuring the continuous improvement and expansion of the Group, the management team of the Group led all staff to persevere and strove to make further progress with constant exploration and innovation. As a result, all aspects of business of the Group has achieved a sound development. During the period under review, the Group had a satisfactory performance. Although the global economic growth remains uncertain, the Group still holds the fundamentally optimistic attitude towards its full-year operations as it was in the beginning of the year. The Group has been accelerating the transformation and upgrade of its various businesses, and has been continuing to implement its development strategies decided at the beginning of the year. 1. Continue to consolidate the Group’s leading position in the market by improving and expanding its existing advantageous businesses and further improving its competitiveness in the market During the period under review, the Group maintained the following advantages: • unswervingly intensifying the R&D of and investment i n key t echno l og i es t o ma i n t a i n i t s l eade r sh i p i n product performance and thus to build technological competitiveness; • p r omo t i ng t h e de v e l opme n t a nd op t i m i s a t i on o f manufacturing process practically, speeding up and improving the process of production line automation to ensure production efficiency and product quality and thus to build manufacturing competitiveness; • keeping propelling lean manufacturing management and optimising management functions and processes so as to improve production line flexibility and product delivery ability and thus to build management competitiveness; • enhancing supply chain construction constantly and improving purchase efficiency significantly so as to reduce purchase cost effectively and thus to build competitiveness of supply chain. By building aforesaid competitiveness in several aspects, the Group will further form an overall competitive edge and improve its market position.