Interim Report 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 24 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited INTERIM REPORT 2018 2. 繼續深化「兩個轉變」,加快現有新業務的孵 化和成長,為客戶提供更好的產品組合 本集團將加快推進 AR/VR 、 3D 結構光、車載 HUD 核心光學器件等現有市場新產品的研發 和業務成長。憑借先期佈局的技術優勢和行 業基礎,本集團將率先推出成熟產品,搶佔 市場份額,實現行業領先。此外,本集團將 進一步整合優勢資源,聚焦重點細分市場, 基於對市場需求的深入分析與理解,著力開 發具有通用性與延伸性的行業需求產品。同 時,本集團需積極探索現有新業務領域的營 銷模式,構建更適合新市場新業務開拓的組 織架構與人員配置,實現在重點細分市場的 重大突破和大幅增長。 3. 繼續堅持以客戶需求為中心,以技術為導 向,探索新領域,為本集團培育新的業務增 長點 於二零一八年下半年,本集團研究院將繼續 扮演好技術領航者的角色,積極探索新技術 新領域,讓更多的新技術落地,引領本集團 的研發能力邁上新的台階,為公司把握新趨 勢,開闢新市場。為實現這一目標,本集團 研究院將切實加強與各業務單位市場及研發 部門的交流與合作,同時不斷加強和外部企 業及機構的溝通與合作,優勢互補,促進研 發成果快速轉化為可靠產品推向市場,為公 司培育新的業務增長點。 2. Continue to deepen “Two Transformations” and accelerate the incubation and growth of existing new businesses to provide customers with better product portfolios The Group will speed up the R&D and business growth of existing new products in the markets such as AR/VR, 3D structured-light and key optical components of vehicle HUD. Leveraging its technological advantages and industry foundation in early stage, the Group will take the lead in launching mature products to gain market share and achieve industry leadership. In addition, the Group will further integrate its advantageous resources and focus on key market segments. Based on its in-depth analysis and understanding of market demands, the Group will strive to develop generic and extensible products that are in demand in the industry. In the meantime, the Group needs to actively develop the marketing modes for existing new business fields, make its organizational structure and staffing more suitable for new business development in the new markets, and achieve major breakthroughs and substantial growth in key market segments. 3. Continue to take customers’ needs as the center and technology as the guide to explore new fields and cultivate new growth points of businesses for the Group In the second half of 2018, the research institute of the Group will actively explore new technologies and new fields as a technology leader to implement more new technologies and lead the R&D capability of the Group to a new level, so as to grasp new trends and open new markets for the Company. To this end, the research institute of the Group will practically strengthen the communication and cooperation with marketing and R&D departments of various business units. At the same time, it will keep enhancing the communication and cooperation with external enterprises and institutions to achieve advantageous complementation and promote the transformation of R&D achievements into reliable products and launch them in the markets, so as to cultivate new growth points of businesses for the Company.