Interim Report 2018

Other Information 其他資料 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 2018 中期報告 37 Securities Transactions by Directors The Company has adopted the Model Code as set out in Appendix 10 of the Listing Rules. After having made specific enquiries to all Directors with regard to the securities transactions, all Directors have confirmed their compliance with the requirements set out in the Model Code regarding Directors’ securities transactions throughout the six-month period ended 30 June 2018. Corporate Social Responsibility To demonstrate the Group’s continuous efforts to perform its corporate social responsibilities (“ CSR ”), the management of the Group monitored the development, implementation and results of the businesses of different departments of the Group. The CSR objectives and environmental, social and governance standards have been integrated into their operations and activities. The Group pays close attention to issues related to the conflict minerals*. The raw materials used by the Group have been certified by the customers, and are in compliance with customers’ requirements without any substances belonging to conflict minerals. On the other hand, the Group has managed suppliers in this respect. According to communication with suppliers and investigation on suppliers, no materials involving conflict minerals had been found to be used. Although the Group is not in the highly polluting industries with an urgent need for clean technologies, it still gives full consideration to requirements of environmental protection during the production and operation activities, and complies with various kinds of international environmental policies and regulations. In addition, the Group has achieved the goals of environmental protection, energy conservation, emissions reduction and sustainable development by three approaches including production process improvement, resource reuse and introduction of new equipment. For example, the Group uses physical methods instead of Ammonium hydrogen fluoride solution, to remove the fixture film after the coating process in order to reduce the emission of harmful substances; it recycles and processes the concentrated liquor produced by pure water manufacturing and uses it for cooling tower and cleaning and others for the purpose of saving water; it replaces oil diffusion pumps with more energy efficient molecular pumps in coating machine to reduce the consumption of electric power. * Conflict minerals: minerals that are exploited from the conflict areas in Africa controlled by the non-governmental army. 董事進行證券交易 本公司已採納上市規則附錄十所載的標準守 則。經向所有董事作出有關證券交易的具體 查詢後,全體董事已確認,其於截至二零一 八年六月三十日止六個月期間內一直遵守標 準守則所載有關董事證券交易的規定。 企業社會責任 作為持續努力履行企業社會責任(「 企業社會 責任 」)的體現,本集團管理層監控各個部門 業務的發展、實施及結果,並將本集團的企 業社會責任目標以及環境、社會和管治標準 融入其經營活動。 本集團非常重視衝突礦物 * 的問題。本集團所 使用的原材料通過了客戶的認證,符合客戶 要求,無任何屬於衝突礦物的物質。另一方 面,本集團對供應商進行了此方面的管理, 根據與供應商的溝通和調查,未發現使用涉 及衝突礦物的材料。 雖然本集團並沒有處在對清潔技術有迫切要 求的高污染的行業,但仍在生產經營活動中 充分考慮到環保的要求,遵循各類國際環保 政策、法規,並通過改進生產工藝、資源二 次利用、採用新設備這三種途徑達到環境保 護、節能減排與可持續發展的目的。比如, 在鍍膜工序後用物理方式代替氟化氫銨溶液 祛除夾具膜層減少有害物質的排放;將純水 製造產生的濃縮液回收處理後用於冷卻塔、 清潔等,達到了節約水資源的目的;在鍍膜 機中使用更加節能的分子泵代替原來的油擴 散泵,減少了電力的消耗。 * 衝突礦物:指從非洲非政府軍控制的衝突地區 開採的礦物。