Interim Report 2018

38 Other Information 其他資料 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited INTERIM REPORT 2018 本集團認識到管理化學物質的安全性非常重 要。因此,本集團內部有相應機制管控產 品中受高度關注的化學物質,比如,通過 QC080000 認證,而此認證已包含歐盟《化學 品的註冊、評估、授權和限制》(「 REACH 」) 法規對需高度關注化學物質的要求。另一方 面,本集團設有專人負責搜集、跟蹤不同國 家和地區相應法律法規的變化情況。 根據法例規定,本集團給僱員提供合理的福 利,包括薪金、獎金和社會保險等,同時制 定了《薪酬管理制度》、《福利管理制度》、 《住宿和住房補貼辦法》等制度落實各項具 體工作。為了豐富僱員的業餘生活,本集團 投入專項資金,租賃了活動場地、安裝籃球 場、羽毛球場及各種體育健身娛樂設施。為 了方便僱員上下班,本集團積極推進通勤 班車的導入,與公交公司建立合作,開通了 11 條通勤專線。本集團設有專人管理工會 組織。於回顧期內,工會協同各子公司開展 了一系列豐富多彩的活動,包括舉行了達人 秀才藝大賽、單身青年交友沙龍、羽毛球比 賽、入職大學生余姚一日遊等活動,獲得了 廣大僱員的一致好評。通過以上努力,二零 一七年僱員滿意度調查分數較二零一六年上 升 1.83 分。另一方面,本集團瞭解到僱員數 量較多存在的潛在風險,因此,本集團制定 了《勞動關係應急管理和突發性事件應急處置 預案》以應對僱員因不滿工作狀態而導致的罷 工或產能減少的突發狀況。迄今為止,本集 團未發生任何此類事件。 The Group recognizes that it is very important to manage the safety of chemical substances. Therefore, there are corresponding mechanisms within the Group that control the highly regarded chemical substances in the products, for example, passing through QC080000 certification, which already includes requirements for the chemical substances requiring high attention from the Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (the “ REACH ”) of the European Union. On the other hand, the Group has a dedicated person responsible for collecting and tracking changes in the corresponding laws and regulations of different countries and regions. In accordance with the laws and regulations, the Group provides employees with reasonable welfare including salary, bonus and social insurance and also set up Regulations on Salary Management (《薪 酬 管 理 制 度》) , Regulations on Welfare Management (《福 利 管 理 制 度》) and Measures for Accommodation and Housing Allowance (《住宿和住房補貼 辦法》) in order to implement each specific task. In order to enrich sparetime life of employees, the Group invests special fund in renting activity space and installing various fitness and entertainment facilities relating to basketball court, badminton court and so on. In order to facilitate employees’ commute, the Group actively advanced the use of the shuttle bus and opened 11 commute shuttle bus lines through cooperation with bus companies. The Group has a trade union organization managed by dedicated persons. During the period under review, the trade union cooperated with the subsidiaries to carry out a variety of activities, including the Talent Show Talent Competition, the Single Youth Dating Salon, the badminton competition and Yuyao Day Tour for newly enrolled college graduate, which won acclaim from the employees. Through the efforts above, the 2017 employee satisfaction survey score increased by 1.83 points compared with 2016. On the other hand, the Group realizes the potential risks of having a large number of employees. Therefore, the Group has formulated the Emergency Response Management and Emergency Response Plan for Labor Relations ( 《勞動關係應急管理和突發性事件應急處置預 案》 ) to respond to strikes or productivity reduction caused by employees’ dissatisfaction with their work status. The Group has not experienced any such incidents so far.