Interim Report 2018

Other Information 其他資料 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 2018 中期報告 39 During the period under review, the Group continued to strengthen professional trainings for employees of all levels and all professions to improve the professional levels of the core persons in various professions. Targeting at 11 professions such as R&D technology, technical management, manufacturing technology, marketing and business management, etc., the Group has respectively offered over 10 courses such as Key Issues in Purchasing Management and Solutions, Key Account Marketing, Business Negotiation Techniques and Quality Cost Analysis, etc. In order to meet the demand of talent gradient development, the Group has carried out programmes for various levels of management including Yulang Programme for middle management and Chengfeng Programme for front-line management, with a view to improving their management skills from prospectives including self-managing, team managing, task managing and time managing. Facing the 2018 college students, the Group organized over 10 Chenghui Programmes for fresh college students to help them speedily transform from a “campus person” to a “business person”. During the period under review, the Group continued to actively make investments in and give support to public welfare, such as charity and education, to perform its social responsibilities and obligations. The Group actively promoted and responded to the call of the municipal blood donation office with 393 employees eligible for blood donation successfully donated blood, and the total blood donations amounted to 120,900 ml. Both the number of volunteer blood donors and the total blood donations reached new heights since the Group started to carry out voluntary blood donation activities. In addition, the Group organized party member and volunteer activities to deliver care and warmth to lonely elderly people in Zhongshan and children’s welfare homes in Yuyao to shoulder its social responsibilities with practical actions. The Group also raised donations of RMB24,566 by carrying out student assistance activities and carried out charity sales, and funded the donations to the Central Primary School of Dalan Town on the foothills of Siming Mountain in Yuyao ( 餘姚四明山麓大嵐鎮中心小學 ) and Huining Modern Science and Technology Vocational School in Gansu ( 甘肅會寧現代科技職業學校 ), enriching the forms and contents of student assistance activities and continuously conveying positive spirits to the society. 於回顧期內,本集團繼續加強對各層級各專 業序列的員工進行職業化培訓,以提升各專 業核心業務人員的專業水準。本集團針對 11 個專業序列,如研發技術、技術管理、製造 技術、市場營銷、企業管理等專業序列,分 別開設了 10 多門課程。如《採購管理關鍵問 題與解決方案》、《大客戶營銷》、《商務談 判技術》、《質量成本分析》等。為了應對人 才梯度發展的需要,本集團針對各級管理層 分別開展中層馭浪計劃項目、基層乘風計劃 培訓,分別從管理自我、管理團隊、管理任 務、管理時間等角度來提升管理技能。面向 於二零一八年屆大學生,本集團組織了 10 多 場應屆大學生承暉計劃項目,幫助應屆大學 生快速從校園人轉換到企業人。 於回顧期內,本集團繼續積極投入並支持慈 善、教育等公益事業,履行社會責任和義 務。本集團積極宣傳並響應市捐血辦號召, 393 名符合捐血條件的員工成功捐血,其捐血 總量達到 120,900 毫升。無償捐血人數及捐 血總量又一次雙雙創下了本集團開展無償捐 血活動以來的新高。此外,本集團組織黨員 和志願者活動為中山市孤寡老人和餘姚市兒 童福利院送上關懷和溫暖,以實際行動肩負 起社會責任。本集團還通過開展愛心助學活 動募得捐款人民幣 24,566 元以及開展愛心義 賣活動,並將所得善款資助與餘姚四明山麓 大嵐鎮中心小學和甘肅會寧現代科技職業學 校,豐富了助學的形式和內容,不斷向社會 傳遞著正能量。