Interim Report 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 4 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited INTERIM REPORT 2018 For the optical instruments market, with the growing demand for downstream applications, as well as the development of electronic technology and computer industry, the whole instruments market showed positive momentum. In recent years, China’s manufacturing industry has also undergone the transformation and upgrade, which has led to increased market demand for relevant high-end instruments and equipment required in machine vision applications, automatic productions, and smart factories. Meanwhile, the demand from medical and educational fields for smart microscopes have increased continuously. The Group further optimized its configuration and integrated related technologies and resources to better address the opportunities and challenges of each market segment. For the other areas in which the Group has been engaging, such as unmanned aerial vehicle (“ UAV ”), augmented reality (“ AR ”), virtual reality (“ VR ”), 3D and a various of other emerging fields, there is huge potential for future growth although currently they are still at the early stage of development. According to the Guide on Global Semi-Annual Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality ( 《全 球半年度增強現實和虛擬實境指南》 ) issued by IDC, the output value of products and services of AR and VR in 2018 increased by approximately 95.0% compared with that in 2017, and the compound annual growth rate is expected to reach approximately 98.8% in the coming years. To achieve considerable economic benefits, the Group will continue to increase investment in R&D, promote technological innovation, proactively explore the market, and strengthen cooperation with the world’s top-tier hi-tech companies, laying a solid foundation for the Group’s mid- to long- term development in the future. During the period under review, driven by R&D investment, the Group improved the construction of R&D organization, increased the investment in core technologies, consolidated core manufacturing resources, and conducted R&D to upgrade and make innovations in the existing products and production techniques in three major business segments, namely Optical Components, Optoelectronic Products and Optical Instruments. The Group kept innovating in the emerging optical application fields and optoelectronic modules, and further boosted the process automation and “Lean Production”, which further consolidated the technological advantages for the existing products in the industry and established a first-mover advantage in emerging technologies and products. In addition, the Group has been actively making patent layout. The Group had acquired 123 new patents during the period under review. As of the first half of 2018, the Group had been granted 757 patents, including 174 invention patents, 539 utility model patents, 44 exterior design patents and another 1,348 patent applications pending approval. 光學儀器市場方面,隨著下游應用領域需求的日 益增長,以及電子技術和計算機行業的發展,整 個儀器市場整體向好發展。近年來,中國生產製 造業也發生了轉型升級,而且業界對機器視覺應 用、自動化生產及智能工廠所需的相關高端機器 設備的需求不斷增加。與此同時,醫療和教育領 域對智能化顯微鏡的要求也不斷提高。本集團進 一步優化配置,整合相關技術和資源,更好地應 對了各細分市場的機遇與挑戰。 至 於 本 集 團 所 及 的 其 他 領 域, 包 括 無 人 機 (「 UAV 」)、增強現實(「 AR 」)、虛擬實境(「 VR 」) 及 3D 等其他各種新興領域,雖然目前都還處於發 展的早期階段,但是未來的發展潛力巨大。根據 IDC 發佈的《全球半年度增強現實和虛擬實境指 南》, AR 及 VR 的產品與服務產值在二零一八年相 比二零一七年增長約 95.0% ,未來幾年預計年複 合增速將達到約 98.8% 。本集團將不斷加大研發 投入,推動技術創新,積極進行市場開拓,強化 與全球頂尖高科技公司的合作,實現可觀的經濟 效益,為本集團未來的中長期發展奠定堅實的基 礎。 於回顧期內,本集團以研發投入為動力,加強研 發組織建設,加大核心技術投入,鞏固核心製造 資源,分別對三大主要業務部門-光學零件、光 電產品及光學儀器的原有產品和生產工藝進行升 級研發和革新。本集團在新興光學應用領域及光 電模組方面不斷創新,進一步推動制程自動化及 「精益生產」,繼續鞏固原有產品在行業中的技術 領先地位,並在新興技術和產品方面建立先發優 勢。此外,本集團積極進行專利佈局。於回顧期 內,本集團共獲得 123 項新專利。截至二零一八 年上半年,本集團擁有 757 項已授權專利,其中 發明專利 174 項,實用新型專利 539 項,外觀設計 專利 44 項及 1,348 項待批核的專利。