Interim Report 2018

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 簡明綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月 62 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited INTERIM REPORT 2018 2. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) 2.2 Impacts and changes in accounting policies of app l i ca t i on on HKFRS 9 F i nanc i a l I ns t r umen t s (Continued) 2.2.1 Key changes in accounting policies resulting from application of HKFRS 9 (Continued) Impairment under ECL model (Continued) Lifetime ECL represents the ECL that will result from all possible default events over the expected life of the relevant instrument. In contrast, 12-month ECL (“12m ECL”) represents the portion of lifetime ECL that is expected to result from default events that are possible within 12 months after the reporting date. Assessment are done based on the Group’s historical credit loss experience, adjusted for factors that are specific to the debtors, general economic conditions and an assessment of both the current conditions at the reporting date as well as the forecast of future conditions. The Group always recognises lifetime ECL for trade receivables. The ECL on these assets are assessed individually for debtors with significant balances and/or collectively using a provision matrix with appropriate groupings. For all other instruments, the Group measures the loss allowance equal to 12m ECL, unless when there has been a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, the Group recognises lifetime ECL. The assessment of whether lifetime ECL should be recognised is based on significant increases in the likelihood or risk of a default occurring since initial recognition. 2. 主要會計政策(續) 2.2 應用香港財務報告準則第 9 號金融工具的 會計政策影響及變動(續) 2.2.1 應用香港財務報告準則第 9 號導致會計政 策的主要變動(續) 預期信貸虧損模式項下的減值(續) 全期預期信貸虧損指於相關工具預期壽命內 發生所有可能的違約事件而導致的預期信貸 虧損。相反, 12 個月預期信貸虧損(「 12 個月 預期信貸虧損」)則指預期於報告日期後 12 個 月內可能發生的違約事件而導致的部分全期 預期信貸虧損。預期信貸虧損根據本集團過 往信貸虧損經驗進行評估,並根據應收賬款 特定因素、一般經濟狀況及於報告日期對當 前狀況及未來狀況預測的評估而作出調整。 本集團始終就貿易應收款項確認全期預期信 貸虧損。該等資產的預期信貸虧損乃就具重 大結餘的債務人進行個別評估及╱或採用具 合適組別的撥備矩陣進行整體評估。 就所有其他工具而言,本集團計量虧損撥備 等於 12 個月預期信貸虧損,除非當信貸風險 自初始確認以來顯著上升,則本集團確認全 期預期信貸虧損。是否以全期預期信貸虧損 確認乃根據自初始確認以來出現違約的可能 性或風險顯著上升而評估。