Interim Report 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 2018 中期報告 5 本集團於回顧期內獲得多項榮譽。於光學零件事 業方面,浙江舜宇光學有限公司榮獲維沃通信科 技有限公司頒發的「六週年合作紀念」、「創新獎」 和「品質獎」,信陽舜宇光學有限公司榮獲廈門松 下電子信息有限公司頒發的二零一七年度「優秀 供應商獎」。於光電產品事業方面,寧波舜宇光電 信息有限公司榮獲華為頒發的「品質優秀獎」,浙 江舜宇智能光學技術有限公司榮獲 T 公司頒發的 二零一七年度「最佳合作夥伴獎」及日本松下集 團旗下公司松下(越南)系統科技有限公司頒發 的「最佳合作獎」。獲得上述的獎項體現了本集團 在科技創新方面的優異成績,同時也表明了該等 客戶對本集團產品的品質、服務、交期等方面的 高度肯定和認可。此外,本集團連續第三年榮登 美國《機構投資者》雜誌的亞洲科技╱硬體類公 司「最佳投資者關係公司」榜首,並且在「最佳行 政總裁」、「最佳財務總監」、「最佳投資者關係專 才」和「最佳分析師日」的榜單中位列前三甲。在 該雜誌二零一八年新增的「最佳企業管治」和「最 佳環境、社會及管治系列指標」評選中,本集團 也榮獲第一。與此同時,本集團也連續第三年蟬 聯「最受尊敬公司」的稱號。本集團再度獲得《機 構投資者》的諸多大獎彰顯了公司管理團隊的優 秀戰略決策能力與企業管治水平,同時也表明資 本界對公司投資者關係管理專業水平的認可,這 勢必將激勵公司朝著更高目標奮勇前進。 The Group received numerous honours during the period under review. For the Optical Components business segment, Zhejiang Sunny Optics Co., Ltd. was awarded the “Six Anniversary Commemoration of Cooperation”, “Innovation Award” and “Quality Award” by Vivo Communication Technology Co. Ltd.. Xinyang Sunny Optics Co., Ltd. was awarded the “Excellent Supplier Award” in 2017 by Panasonic Avc Networks Xiamen Co., Ltd.. For the Optoelectronic Products business segment, Ningbo Sunny Opotech Co., Ltd. was awarded the “Excellent Quality Award” by Huawei, and Zhejiang Sunny Optical Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the “Top Partner Award” in 2017 by Company T and “Best Collaboration Award” by Panasonic (Vietnam) System Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Panasonic in Japan. These awards showed the excellent performance of the Group in scientific and technological innovation and also indicated that the Group’s product quality, services, and delivery have been highly recognized and approved by customers. In addition, the Group topped the table on the Institutional Investor, an US magazine regarding “Best Investor Relations Program” of Technology/Hardware companies in Asia, and was ranked Top three among the lists of “Best CEO”, “Best CFO”, “Best Investor Relations Professional”, and “Best Analyst Day” for three consecutive years. The Group also won the first place in the magazine’s new selection of “Best Corporate Governance” and “Best Environmental, Social and Governance Series Metrics” in 2018. Meanwhile, the Company also received the title of the “Most Honored Company” for three consecutive years. The Group was again awarded many prizes by Institutional Investor, manifesting the excellent ability of strategic decision and the level of corporate governance of its management team, as well as demonstrating the recognition of the professional level of investor relationship management by capital cycle, which certainly motivates the Company to reach ever higher goals courageously.