Interim Report 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 6 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited INTERIM REPORT 2018 Optical Components Benefiting from the continuous growth in mid- to high-end smartphone market and vehicle imaging field, the Group’s active response to market changes, as well as the breakthrough of key technology, enhancement of R&D ability, market expansion and improvement of the production efficiency of Optical Components business segment, this business segment achieved satisfactory results. During the period under review, the revenue from Optical Components business segment amounted to approximately RMB2,656.3 million, representing an increase of approximately 40.1% as compared with the corresponding period of last year. This business segment accounted for approximately 22.2% of the Group’s total revenue as compared with approximately 18.9% in the corresponding period of last year. During the period under review, handset lens sets of the Group recorded a year-on-year growth of approximately 53.6% in shipment volume. Meanwhile, the proportion of shipment volume of 10-mega pixel above products increased from approximately 42.9% of first half of last year to approximately 51.6%. In addition, the Group also paid great attention to investment in the R&D of products, especially in new specifications such as large aperture, miniaturization and ultra-wide angle. During the period under review, the Group has successfully completed the R&D of multiple products, primarily including 16-mega pixel ultra-wide angle handset lens sets, handset lens sets with ultra-large aperture (FNo.1.5) and variable aperture, and handset lens sets with ultra-large aperture (FNo.1.4) and 7 pieces plastic aspheric lenses (“ 7P ”). 24-mega pixel miniaturized head handset lens sets have achieved mass production. Meanwhile, the Group has advanced layout on a variety of telephoto handset lens sets for dual- and triple-camera in advance. In respect of 3D field, the 3D collimating lens sets have achieved mass production. Furthermore, in addition to continued mass production of the high-end handset lens sets with 10-mega pixel above for Korean customers and a Japanese customer, the Group has also provided more and more high resolution handset lens sets with differentiated functions and high specifications to famous domestic smartphone brand manufacturers, which has further improved the Group’s share in domestic market. Besides, the Group has developed a wide range of products applied in emerging fields such as lenses and lens sets used in VR/AR, biological recognition, motion tracking, 3D and so on. Thanks to its profound accumulation of experience in the field of optics and leading edge in technology, some of the products have commenced mass production. 光學零件 受惠於中高端智能手機市場及車載成像領域的持 續增長,以及本集團積極應對市場變化,再加上 光學零件事業通過突破關鍵技術、強化研發能 力、開拓市場以及提升生產效率,該事業取得 了較為滿意的成績。於回顧期內,光學零件事 業的收入約人民幣 2,656,300,000 元,較去年同 期增長約 40.1% 。此業務部門佔本集團總收入約 22.2% ,而在去年同期則約佔 18.9% 。 於回顧期內,本集團的手機鏡頭出貨量較去年 同期增長約 53.6% 。同時,千萬像素以上產品的 出貨量佔比已由去年上半年約 42.9% 上升至約 51.6% 。此外,本集團亦非常關注對於產品的研 發投入,尤其是在像大光圈、小型化、超廣角等 新規格方面的投入。於回顧期內,本集團成功完 成了多項產品的研發,主要包括 1,600 萬像素超 廣角手機鏡頭、超大孔徑 (FNo.1.5) 可變光圈的手 機鏡頭和超大孔徑 (FNo.1.4)7 片塑膠非球面鏡片 (「 7P 」)手機鏡頭。 2,400 萬像素超小頭部手機鏡 頭已實現量產。同時,本集團提前佈局多款用於 雙攝和三攝的長焦手機鏡頭。於 3D 領域方面, 3D 准直鏡頭已實現量產。此外,本集團除了為韓國 客戶及一名日本客戶繼續量產千萬像素以上高規 格的手機鏡頭外,也提供越來越多款高規格、帶 有差異化功能的高像素手機鏡頭給國內知名智能 手機品牌商,本集團在國內的市場份額得到進一 步提升。此外,憑藉在光學領域的深厚積累及技 術領先優勢,本集團已開發出多款應用於新興領 域的產品,如應用於 VR/AR 、生物識別、運動追 蹤、 3D 等領域的鏡片和鏡頭,且其中部分產品已 實現量產。