Interim Report 2018

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 2018 中期報告 7 於回顧期內,本集團車載鏡頭的出貨量較去年同 期增長約 17.9% ,亦繼續保持了全球第一的行業 領先地位。 本集團在未來新產品領域取得了可喜的成績,細 分市場龍頭地位得到進一步強化。於回顧期內, 本集團成功開發了汽車抬頭顯示(「 HUD 」)核心 光學器件產品,並取得了市場突破;同時開展激 光雷達核心光學器件的研發和產業鏈佈局,從而 拓寬了車載光學產品的應用範圍。 光電產品 受惠於中國中高端智能手機市場的增長、國產品 牌的崛起及其他移動終端產品的發展,光電產品 事業錄得穩健的增長。於回顧期內,光電產品事 業的收入約人民幣 9,186,900,000 元,較去年同期 增長約 14.6% 。此業務部門佔本集團的總收入約 76.7% ,而在去年同期則佔約 79.9% 。 During the period under review, the shipment volume of vehicle lens sets of the Group increased by approximately 17.9% as compared with the corresponding period of last year. The Group also continued to maintain global No.1 position in the industry. The Group has achieved favorable performance in the future new product fields, which further strengthened its leading position in segment market. During the period under review, the Group successfully developed the key optical components products of vehicle’s head-up display (“ HUD ”) and made a breakthrough in the market. Meanwhile, the Group launched the R&D and industrial chain layout of the key optical components of lidar, so as to expand the applications of vehicle optical products. Optoelectronic Products Benefiting from the growth of mid- to high-end smartphone market in the PRC, the rise of the domestic brands and the development of other mobile device products, the Optoelectronic Products business segment recorded a stable growth. During the period under review, the revenue from the Optoelectronic Products business segment amounted to approximately RMB9,186.9 million, representing an increase of approximately 14.6% over the corresponding period of last year. This business segment accounted for approximately 76.7% of the Group’s total revenue as compared with approximately 79.9% in the corresponding period of last year.