Interim Report 2018

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 簡明綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月 92 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited INTERIM REPORT 2018 19. 衍生金融資產及負債(續) 外匯期權合約(續) 於各估值日期,參考匯率 + (指各合約所指定 的現貨匯率)須與各合約所指定的行使匯率 (上限及下限)╱門檻匯率作比較,且在達致 各合約所指定若干條件的情況下,本集團可 向相關銀行收取╱支付該等合約所指定的金 額。 各合約的外匯期權合約的詳情摘要如下: 19.DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (Continued) Foreign currency options contracts (Continued) At each Valuation Date, the Reference Rate + which represents the spot rate as specified within the respective contracts shall be compared against the strike rates (upper and lower)/barrier rate as specified within the respective contracts, and the Group may receive from/pay to the bank an amount as specified in the contracts if certain conditions specified within the respective contracts are met. Extracts of details of foreign currency options contracts from the respective contracts are as follow: Notional amount Strike/barrier/ forward rates Ending Settlement Date (Note 1) 名義金額 行使╱門檻╱ 遠期匯率 結束結算日期 (附註1) USD’000 30 June 2018 31 December 2017 千美元 二零一八年 六月三十日 二零一七年 十二月三十一日 Contract K (Note 2) 60,000 USD:RMB at 1:7.156 N/A 27 March 2018 合約 K (附註 2 ) 60,000 美元兌人民幣: 1:7.156 不適用 二零一八年三月二十七日 Contract L (Note 2) 60,000 USD:RMB at 1:7.15 N/A 27 March 2018 合約 L (附註 2 ) 60,000 美元兌人民幣: 1:7.15 不適用 二零一八年三月二十七日 Contract M 60,000 USD:RMB at 1:7.22 26 September 2018 26 September 2018 合約 M 60,000 美元兌人民幣: 1:7.22 二零一八年九月二十六日 二零一八年九月二十六日 Contract N 60,000 USD:RMB at 1:7.20 26 September 2018 26 September 2018 合約 N 60,000 美元兌人民幣: 1:7.20 二零一八年九月二十六日 二零一八年九月二十六日 Contract O 200,000 USD:RMB at 1:7.30 7 May 2019 7 May 2019 合約 O 200,000 美元兌人民幣: 1:7.30 二零一九年五月七日 二零一九年五月七日 Contract P 200,000 USD:RMB at 1:7.28 7 May 2019 7 May 2019 合約 P 200,000 美元兌人民幣: 1:7.28 二零一九年五月七日 二零一九年五月七日