Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 08 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告 於回顧年內,鑑於 COV I D - 19 的持續反覆不 斷,而疫情又關乎國家、企業、家庭及個人的 未來發展,本集團對於疫情的防控非常重視, 並積極採取各項措施以確保所有僱員安全回到 工作崗位,且在較短的時間內令所有附屬公司 有序恢復生產。本集團快速反應並制定了《防 疫應急響應組織及各管理小組的工作方案》, 成立了綜合協調、測溫、消毒、隔離、食堂、 宿舍、採購、人力資源、財務、監察和宣傳外 聯共十一個工作小組,上下聯動,且對全體僱 員實行「員工三色化分類管控和全員網格化管 理」,對防疫工作做了周密的部署,嚴格落實各 項防控措施。本集團還特聘兩位知名醫生擔任 健康顧問,對防疫工作提供專業的醫學指導, 切實保障員工健康及生產安全。在管理層的帶 領下及全體員工持續不斷的努力下,本集團嚴 守嚴防,確保了生產的有序進行,並按客戶的 要求如期交付,獲得了客戶的一致好評。本集 團將進一步完善突發事件的應急預案及實戰化 演練,加強風險管理及完善內部監控系統。 經營業績 於二零二零年,全體員工眾志成城,在充滿活 力且富有經驗和前瞻性的管理層的帶領下始終 堅持「共同創造」的核心價值觀的企業文化,積 極發揚艱苦奮斗的創業精神,與時俱進的創新 精神以及和衷共濟的團隊精神,本集團取得了 喜人的業績表現。 截 至 二 零 二 零 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 止 年 度,本集團的收入增加約 0.4% 至約人民幣 38,001,800,000 元。本公司股東應佔年內溢利 增加約 22.1% 至約人民幣 4,871,800,000 元。 此外,每股基本盈利增加約 22.2% 至約人民幣 445.78 分。董事(「 董事 」)會(「 董事會 」)建議 派發末期股息每股約人民幣 0.888 元(相等於 1.057 港元)(二零一九年:約人民幣 0.728 元)。 During the year under review, in view of the continued recurrence of the COVID-19 and the pandemic is influential to the future development of the country, enterprise, family and individual, the Group was highly concerned about the prevention and control of the pandemic and actively adopted various measures to ensure that all employees returned to their work positions safely, and to orderly resume the production of all its subsidiaries in a relatively short time. The Group responded swiftly and formulated the Working Plan of Emergency Response Organizations and Management Groups for Pandemic Prevention”, and established 11 working teams covering overall coordination, temperature measurement, sterilization, quarantine, canteen, dormitory, procurement, human resources, finance, monitoring and outreach publicity in order to make a thorough action, and also adopted the “Three Colors Classified Management Method and Grid Management Method for the Staff ( 員工三色化分類管 控和全員網格化管理 )” in order to make deliberate deployment for the pandemic prevention and strictly implement various prevention and control measures in various departments of the Group. The Group has also specially appointed two famous doctors as its health consultants to provide professional medical guidance on the pandemic prevention to effectively protect the health of staff and production safety. Under the leadership of management and the continuous efforts of all employees, the Group strictly adhered to precautions to ensure orderly production and timely delivery of its products as scheduled, thereby winning unanimous praise from customers. The Group will further improve the emergency response plan and conduct practical trainings to enhance the risk management and optimize the internal control systems. OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE In 2020, with the concerted efforts of all employees and under the leadership of the energetic, experienced and forward-looking management, the Group always adhered to the core value of “Create Together” of the corporate culture, actively carrying forward the entrepreneurial spirit of working hard, innovative spirit of keeping up with the times and the team spirit of solidarity. The Group has achieved a satisfying business performance. For the year ended 31 December 2020, the Group’s revenue increased by approximately 0.4% to approximately RMB38,001.8 million. Profit for the year attributable to owners of the Company increased by approximately 22.1% to approximately RMB4,871.8 million. Besides, the basic earnings per share increased by approximately 22.2% to approximately RMB445.78 cents. The board (the “ Board ”) of directors (the “ Directors ”, each a “ Director ”) has proposed a final dividend of approximately RMB0.888 (equivalent to HK$1.057) (2019: approximately RMB0.728) per share.