Annual Report 2020

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2020 年報 09 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告 可持續發展 本集團認為促進環境的可持續發展是企業不可 推卸的責任,且企業的可持續發展亦是企業經 營的長遠方針。本集團相信社會的和諧發展需 要每個人、每個組織的共同努力。本集團願意 自覺承擔企業公民在經濟發展、社會保障、文 化教育、環境保護等方面的社會責任,長期致 力於社會的文明進步與可持續發展。因此,本 集團在生產經營過程中一直秉承「共同創造」 的核心價值觀,力求為客戶提供更加優質的產 品與服務,不斷提高客戶、社會和股東的滿意 度,同時實現各業務的快速發展。在追求卓越 業績的同時,本集團也認識到可持續發展是實 現做強、做大、走遠,成為光電行業「百年老 字號」企業願景的基石。本集團始終將可持續 發展的各種因素考慮到企業策略制定和日常經 營管理之中,爭取實現可持續的盈利增長。本 集團二零二零年度的環境、社會及管治報告將 於二零二一年六月底之前刊發,敬請於香港聯 合交易所有限公司(「 香港聯交所 」)披露易之網 站( )或本集團網站 ( )查閱。 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The Group believes that promoting the sustainable development of the environment is the unshirkable responsibility of an enterprise, and the sustainable development of an enterprise shall also be its long-term policy of business operation. The Group believes that the harmonious development of society requires the concerted efforts of every individual and organization. The Group is willing to undertake the social responsibility as a corporate citizen consciously in the aspects of economic development, social security, cultural education and environmental protection, making a long-term commitment to foster the civilization progression and sustainable development of the society. Therefore, the Group always adheres to the core value of “Create Together” in the production and operation process, striving to provide customers with higher quality products and services as well as continuing to improve the satisfaction of customers, society and shareholders and at the same time to realize the rapid development of various businesses. While pursuing outstanding performance, the Group also realizes that sustainable development is the cornerstone for the Group to be stronger, bigger and go further in order to achieve the corporate vision of becoming a “Hundred-Year-Old Brand” in the optoelectronic industry. The Group has always taken all factors of sustainable development into consideration in corporate strategy formulation and routine operation and management in order to strive for achieving sustainable profit growth. The Environmental, Social and Governance Report for 2020 of the Group will be published before the end of June 2021, which will be available on the website of HKEXnews of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “ Hong Kong Stock Exchange ”) ( ) or the website of the Group ( .