Annual Report 2020

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2020 年報 111 Directors’ Report 董事會報告 Name Long position/ short position/ lending pool Type of interest Number of share Approximate percentage of shareholding 名稱 可供借出的股份 權益類別 股份數目 持股概約百分比 Sun Xu Long position Beneficial owner 389,091,927 35.47% 舜旭 好倉 實益擁有人 Sun Ji Long position Interest in a controlled corporation (Note 1) 389,091,927 35.47% 舜基 好倉 受控法團權益(附註 1 ) Mr. Wang Wenjian Long position Beneficial owner (Note 2) 149,468 0.01% 王文鑒先生 好倉 實益擁有人(附註 2 ) Long position Beneficiary and founder of a trust (Note 3) 33,364,133 3.04% 好倉 信託受益人及成立人(附註 3 ) Long position Trustee and beneficiary of a trust (Note 4) 389,091,927 35.47% 好倉 信託受託人兼受益人(附註 4 ) TMF Trust (HK) Limited Long position Trustee of a trust (Note 5) 389,091,927 35.47% 達盟信託服務(香港) 有限公司 好倉 信託受託人(附註 5 ) Mr. Ye Liaoning Long position Beneficial owner (Note 6) 2,280,148 0.21% 葉遼寧先生 好倉 實益擁有人(附註 6 ) Long position Beneficiary of a trust (Note 7) 389,091,927 35.47% 好倉 信託受益人(附註 7 ) Mr. Sun Yang Long position Beneficial owner (Note 8) 120,148 0.01% 孫泱先生 好倉 實益擁有人(附註 8 ) Long position Beneficiary of a trust (Note 9) 389,091,927 35.47% 好倉 信託受益人(附註 9 ) Mr. Wang Wenjie Long position Beneficial owner (Note 10) 1,563,290 0.14% 王文杰先生 好倉 實益擁有人(附註 10 ) Long position Beneficiary of a trust (Note 11) 389,091,927 35.47% 好倉 信託受益人(附註 11 ) JPMorgan Chase & Co. Long position Interest of controlled corporation, investment manager and person having a security interest in shares (Note 12) 63,867,856 5.82% JPMorgan Chase & Co. 好倉 於受控法團之權益、投資經理及持有 股份的保證權益的人(附註 12 ) Short position Interest of controlled corporation (Note 12) 7,777,205 0.70% 淡倉 於受控法團之權益(附註 12 ) Lending pool Approved lending agent (Note 12) 15,227,592 1.38% 可供借出的股份 核准借出代理人(附註 12 )