Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 10 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告 展望 二零二一年, COVID-19 將繼續在全球肆虐, 雖然各國已開始接種新冠疫苗,但疫情對於全 球經濟的傷害仍需要一段時間的修復;另一方 面,中美貿易摩擦形勢不容樂觀,全球經濟環 境將更為複雜與嚴峻。同時,本集團也看到, 新一輪科技革命和產業變革方興未艾,智能 化、數字化的快速發展給光電領域帶來了廣闊 的發展空間。隨著 5G 、人工智能(「 AI 」)應用 的深化,超高清視頻、 AR/VR 、自動駕駛等應 用逐步落地和商業化,光學相關產品的市場前 景有望持續繁榮。憑藉在行業中的領先地位, 本集團將緊緊抓住光電產業的發展商機,充分 發揮自身的競爭優勢,進一步拓寬產品的應用 領域,致力於成為全球領先的綜合光學零件及 產品生產商及國際知名企業的戰略合作夥伴。 展望未來,本集團將堅定不移地實施「名配角」 戰略,持續為客戶創造價值;繼續把握新的市 場機遇,提高研發和製造的核心競爭力以實現 可持續發展,並推動信息技術與製造技術的融 合。此外,本集團亦將快速推進余姚城西產業 基地和海外基地的工程建設,為本集團中長期 的快速發展奠定基礎。本集團相信,機遇總會 多於挑戰,本人將帶領全體員工繼續奮斗在前 進的道路上,以良好的業績回報股東,回饋社 會。 OUTLOOK In 2021, COVID-19 will continue to rage globally. Although various countries have started the vaccination against the novel coronavirus, it still takes a certain period of time for the global economy to recover from the damages caused by the pandemic. On the other hand, the Sino-U.S. trading friction is still not optimistic, and the global economic environment will become more complicated and severe. At the same time, the Group also sees the emerging and continued development of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and the rapid development of intelligentization and digitalization have brought a broad development space for the optoelectronic sector. With the deepening application of 5G and artificial intelligence (“ AI ”), and the gradual implementation and commercialization of the application of ultra-high-definition video, AR/VR and autonomous driving, it is expected to see the continuous prosperity of the market for optical related products. Leveraging on its leading position in the industry, the Group will firmly seize the development opportunities in the optoelectronic industry, fully leverage on its own competitive advantages to further broaden the application fields of products. The Group is committed to becoming the world’s leading manufacturer of integrated optical components and products and a strategic partner of international renowned enterprises. Looking forward, the Group will firmly implement the “Mingpeijue” ( 名 配角 ) strategy, continue to create values for the customers and seize the new market opportunities, enhance the core competitiveness of R&D and production in order to achieve sustainable development and promote the integration of information technology and production technology. Besides, the Group will also swiftly promote the construction of Yuyao Chengxi Production Base and overseas bases in order to lay the foundation for the medium- to long-term rapid development of the Group. The Group believes that opportunities are always more than challenges. I will lead all employees to continue to go forward and move on the path ahead in order to repay shareholders with good performance and give back to the society.