Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 14 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 In the optical instrument market, COVID-19 has brought a certain degree of influence on the technological research, medical, educational and industrial fields. The large-scale suspension in work and production have caused a weak demand continuously in overseas markets. However, benefited from the growth of domestic semiconductor investment and the drive for localization of equipment, the demand in the PRC market has recovered significantly, particularly for the outstanding performance in the industrial field. The Group has also made in-depth expansion in other emerging businesses and acquired substantial progress and breakthroughs. In terms of the biological identification business, the Group has deployed a series of biological identification lens sets. In addition, with the gradual landing and clarification of 3D vision-related market applications, the time of flight (“ TOF ”) products and technical solutions of the Group can be applied to robotic vision, facial recognition payment, smart retail, smart logistics and other related fields. The Group’s 3D interactive lens sets adopted new interactive technology that can provide a variety of different types of 3D interactive lens sets in accordance with customer demands. The TOF lens sets can carry out real time distance assessment to obtain depth information of objects; the dual-camera wide-angle solution can realize the interaction between human and machine; and the ultra-thin design can realize the miniaturization of terminal products. In addition to improving its own R&D capabilities, the Group has also strengthened in-depth cooperation with top global high-tech companies, thereby laying a solid foundation for the Group’s future development in the new fields. 在光學儀器市場方面, COVID-19 對科研、醫 療、教學及工業等領域均帶來了一定程度的影 響,大範圍的停工停產使得海外市場需求持續 疲軟。然而,得益於國內半導體投資增長以及 設備國產化驅動,中國市場需求恢復明顯,其 中工業領域的表現尤為突出。 本集團亦在其他新興業務方面進行深入拓展, 且取得了實質性的進展和突破。在生物識別業 務方面,本集團佈局了一系列不同應用領域的 生物識別鏡頭。此外,隨著 3D 視覺相關市場 應用的逐步落地與明朗化,本集團的飛行時間 (「 TOF 」)產品及技術方案可應用於機器人視 覺、人臉支付、智能零售及智能物流等相關領 域。本集團的 3D 交互鏡頭採用新型交互技術, 可根據客戶需求提供多種不同類型的 3D 交互 式鏡頭: TOF 鏡頭即時測距可獲取物體深度資 訊,雙攝大廣角方案可以實現人機交互,超薄 化設計可實現終端產品小型化。除了提高自身 的研發實力以外,本集團還強化與全球頂尖高 科技公司的深度合作,為本集團未來在新領域 中的發展奠定堅實的基礎。