Annual Report 2020

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2020 年報 15 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 業務回顧 於回顧年內,面對行業的急劇變化、常態化的 疫情影響以及持續的貿易摩擦,本集團通過以 下幾方面的努力保持了行業中的領先地位: 1 . 持續突破關鍵技術要素,完善研發體制建 設,提升產品的技術附加值; 2. 不斷優化製造 管理流程和組織架構,持續革新工藝技術,加 速推進自動化檢測的進程,提升製造附加值; 及 3. 持續優化供應商及供應渠道,規範管理流 程,提高管理效率和精細度,降低經營成本。 為了有效防範知識產權方面存在的經營風險, 本集團已建立專業的知識產權管理團隊,並積 極進行專利佈局。於二零二零年十二月三十一 日,本集團已獲授權專利 2,096 項,包括發明 專利 623 項,實用新型專利 1,421 項及外觀設計 專利 52 項。此外,另有 3,212 項待批核的專利。 BUSINESS REVIEW During the year under review, facing the drastic industrial changes, the impact of the normalized pandemic and the continuing trade frictions, the Group maintained a leading position in the industry through the following aspects: 1. continued to make breakthroughs in key technologies, improved the construction of the R&D system and enhanced the technological value added to the products; 2. optimised the manufacturing management process and organisation structure continuously, innovated the technological skills persistently, accelerated to propel the processes of automatic inspection, and elevated the value added to the production; and 3. Optimized suppliers and supply channels persistently, standardised the management procedures, improved the management efficiency and accuracy, and reduced the operating costs. In order to prevent operating risks effectively in intellectual property rights, the Group has established a professional intellectual property rights management team and has been proactively formulating overall planning in relation to patent layout. As at 31 December 2020, the Group had 2,096 granted patents, including 623 invention patents, 1,421 utility model patents and 52 exterior design patents. In addition, another 3,212 patent applications are pending approval.