Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 16 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 光學零件 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度,光學 零件事業的收入約人民幣 9,181,100,000 元, 較去年增長約 4.1% 。此業務部門佔本集團總收 入約 24.2% ,而在去年則約佔 23.3% 。 於回顧年內,本集團的手機鏡頭出貨量較去 年增長約 13.9% 至 1,529,757,000 件,創歷史 新高,其中 6P 及以上產品佔出貨量的比例約 24.7% 。在出貨量增加的同時,本集團亦非常 關注「質的提升」。因此,通過不斷加強研發 及工程技術的能力,本集團已於回顧年內成功 開發了多款高規格的產品,主要包括連續變焦 手機鏡頭、 8P 高像素手機鏡頭、自由曲面手 機鏡頭和毫米級超微距手機鏡頭。同時,本集 團的一億像素大像面手機鏡頭和超小畸變廣角 ( 115° )手機鏡頭已實現量產。此外,憑藉在光 學領域的深厚積累及技術領先優勢,本集團積 極開拓新興光學市場,同時著力於 VR/AR 、 3D 感應、智能家居、無人機和運動追蹤等鏡頭與 其它光學零部件的開發。於年內,本集團的 VR 類鏡頭與鏡片及 3D 交互式鏡頭的銷售進一步取 得突破,產生了可觀的經濟效益。 OPTICAL COMPONENTS For the year ended 31 December 2020, the revenue from the Optical Components business segment was approximately RMB9,181.1 million, representing an increase of approximately 4.1% compared to that of last year. This segment accounted for approximately 24.2% of the Group’s total revenue, compared to approximately 23.3% of last year. During the year under review, the shipment volume of handset lens sets of the Group amounted to 1,529,757,000 units, representing an increase of approximately 13.9% compared to that of last year, achieving a record high, with 6P and above products accounting for approximately 24.7% of the shipment volume. Other than the increased shipment volume, the Group also paid great attention to “quality improvement”. Therefore, by continuously strengthening R&D and engineering capabilities, the Group has successfully developed a number of high-specification products during the year under review, mainly including continuous zoom handset lens sets, 8P high-resolution handset lens sets, freeform handset lens sets and millimeter-scale ultra-macro shooting handset lens sets. At the same time, the Group’s 100-mega pixel large image size handset lens sets and supers-mall distortion wide-angle (115°) handset lens sets have commenced mass production. In addition, with extensive experience and leading technological advantages in the optical field, the Group actively developed emerging optical markets and engaged in the development of lens sets and other optical components applied in VR/ AR, 3D sensing, smart home, drones and motion tracking, etc. During the year, the sales of the Group’s VR lens sets and lenses and 3D interactive lens sets achieved further breakthroughs and generated considerable economic benefits.