Annual Report 2020

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2020 年報 17 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 在車載鏡頭業務方面,上半年受全球疫情影 響,本集團向海外客戶的出貨有所延遲;而下 半年隨著海外客戶陸續復工,本集團車載鏡頭 的出貨快速回升。於回顧年內,本集團的車載 鏡頭出貨量較去年增長約 12.1% 至 56,174,000 件。同時,本集團在車載鏡頭技術創新方面持 續實現突破。本集團完成了 200 萬像素玻塑混 合的前視車載鏡頭的研發,攻克了含塑料鏡片 鏡頭溫度穩定性的技術難關。此外, 800 萬像 素含玻璃非球面鏡片的全玻前視車載鏡頭實現 大批量生產交付。 此外,本集團加快在新興車載光學零件業務的 產品開發和市場佈局,積極培育新的業務增長 點。於回顧年內,本集團完成了百萬級像素的 車載智能大燈鏡頭的研發,有助於搶佔行業先 機。 於二零二零年十二月三十一日,本集團在光學 零件事業中已獲授權專利共 1,084 項,包括發 明專利 285 項,實用新型專利 794 項及外觀設計 專利 5 項。此外,另有 1,788 項專利正在申請當 中。 In terms of the vehicle lens sets business, affected by the global pandemic in the first half of the year, the Group’s shipment to overseas customers was delayed; while overseas customers gradually resumed work in the second half of the year, the Group’s shipment of vehicle lens sets rebounded rapidly. During the year under review, the shipment volume of vehicle lens sets of the Group amounted to 56,174,000 units, representing an increase of approximately 12.1% compared to that of last year. Meanwhile, the Group achieved breakthroughs in the innovation of vehicle lens sets technology continuously. The Group completed the R&D of 2-mega pixel hybrid front-view vehicle lens sets which can overcome the technological barrier of temperature stability of lens sets containing plastic lenses. In addition, the pure glass 8-mega pixel front-view vehicle lens sets with glass aspherical lenses commenced mass production and delivery. In addition, the Group speeded up product development and market layout in the emerging vehicle optical components business and actively developed new business growth points. During the year under review, the Group completed the R&D of megapixel smart headlight lens sets of vehicle which can help to seize the opportunities in the industry. As at 31 December 2020, a total of 1,084 granted patents have been obtained by the Group in the Optical Components business segment, including 285 invention patents, 794 utility model patents and 5 exterior design patents. In addition, 1,788 patents are pending approval.