Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 18 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 光電產品 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度,光電 產品事業的收入約人民幣 28,494,300,000 元, 較去年略微減少約 0.9% 。此業務部門佔本集團 的總收入約 75.0% ,而在去年則佔約 76.0% 。 於回顧年內,本集團的手機攝像模組出貨量較 去年增長約 9.7% 至 592,878,000 件,其中潛望 模組及大像面(芯片面在 1/1.7 〞及以上)模組佔 出貨量的比例約 10.3% 。於年內,全球疫情爆 發,終端消費需求疲軟,智能手機出貨量持續 下滑,且攝像頭行業出現降規降配的現象。然 而,本集團堅信未來智能手機攝像頭的規格仍 將持續升級。因此,本集團積極投入研發並加 強核心技術的研究。同時,結合客戶需求和行 業最新發展趨勢,本集團已完成連續變焦手機 攝像模組以及芯片防抖手機攝像模組的研發。 此外,雲台防抖手機攝像模組及採用第二代板 級模塑封裝和第二代芯片級模塑封裝工藝的手 機攝像模組已實現量產。 為了進一步提升產品良率,提高生產效率並增 強競爭實力,於年內,本集團手機攝像模組的 產線制程進一步得到優化。本集團自主開發的 光路折射系統光學貼附設備已投入使用。該設 備能為多款高端潛望產品提供高精度的組裝解 決方案。 在車載模組業務方面,本集團繼續圍繞市場及 客戶需求,系統性地佈局產品路線,並以獨特 的技術創新增加產品的附加值,業務得到突破 性進展。於年內,本集團已完成前視、側視和 後視均為 800 萬像素的車載模組的研發。 OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS For the year ended 31 December 2020, the revenue from the Optoelectronic Products business segment was approximately RMB28,494.3 million, representing a slight decrease of approximately 0.9% compared to that of last year. This segment accounted for approximately 75.0% of the Group’s total revenue, compared to approximately 76.0% of last year. During the year under review, the shipment volume of handset camera modules of the Group amounted to 592,878,000 units, representing an increase of approximately 9.7% compared to that of last year, with the periscope modules and large image size (image size is 1/1.7” and above) modules accounting for approximately 10.3% of the shipment volume. During the year, due to the global outbreak of the pandemic, end-customer demand was weak and the shipment volume of smartphone continued to decline, and the camera industry experienced downgrade in specification and configuration. However, the Group firmly believed that the specification of smartphone camera will continue to upgrade in the future. Therefore, the Group actively invested in R&D and strengthened the researches on core technology. Meanwhile, in line with customer demand and the latest development trends of the industry, the Group has completed the R&D of continuous zoom handset camera modules and sensor-shift handset camera modules. In addition, gimbal stabilization handset camera modules and handset camera modules with the second- generation of molding on board and second-generation of molding on chip packaging technique have commenced mass production. In order to further improve product yield rate, enhance production efficiency and strengthen competitiveness, the Group has further optimised the production line process of handset camera modules during the year. The Optical Reflection System-Active Alignment independently developed by the Group has been put into use. Such equipment can provide high-precision assembly solutions for a variety of high-end periscopic products. In terms of the vehicle modules business, the Group continued to plan systematically for product roadmap focusing on market and customer demand, and increased the added value of products with unique technological innovations, achieving breakthroughs in business progress. During the year, the Group has completed the R&D of front- view, side-view and rear-view vehicle modules which are all 8-mega pixel.