Annual Report 2020

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2020 年報 19 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 此外,本集團持續建設機器人視覺平台,佈局 機器人識別與定位兩大產品線。其中在識別類 業務方面,基於結構光和 ToF 的人臉活體檢測 方案取得了銀行卡檢測中心增強級認證,獲得 了進入銀聯體系客戶供應鏈的通行證;基於 ToF 技術的刷臉支付方案取得了微信的測試認 證,獲得了進入微信支付設備廠商客戶供應鏈 的通行證;完成了應用於智能門鎖的結構光系 統的開發,並與客戶進行了戰略合作。在定位 類業務方面,本集團完成了掃地機器人 ToF 相 關算法的研發及雙目方案的開發,並實現了與 重要客戶的項目交付。 於二零二零年十二月三十一日,本集團在光電 產品事業中已獲授權專利共 836 項,包括發明 專利 305 項,實用新型專利 509 項及外設計專利 22 項。此外,另有 1,354 項專利正在申請當中。 光學儀器 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度,光學 儀器事業的收入約人民幣 326,400,000 元,較 去年增長約 14.6% 。此業務部門佔本集團的總 收入約 0.8% ,而在去年則佔約 0.7% 。 在顯微鏡業務方面,本集團完成了國內首創超 寬視場( 30mm )高倍物鏡( 20X 和 60X )的研發 並實現量產。該物鏡可獲得高分辨大視場圖 像,相比常規複消色差物鏡視野提高 44.0% 。 此外,本集團完成了高精度、高速可切換式激 光掃描共聚焦顯微鏡的研發。該顯微鏡具備固 定切片的高精度掃描和活細胞高速掃描的功 能,掃描視野和速度性能處於國內領先水平。 In addition, the Group continued to build a robotic vision platform, deploying the two product lines of robotic recognition and positioning. In terms of the recognition business, the face live detection solution based on structured light and ToF has obtained the Bank Card Test Center enhanced-level certification, thereby allowed to enter the supply chain of UnionPay system customers; the face scan payment solution based on ToF technology has obtained the WeChat testing certification, thereby allowed to enter the supply chain of WeChat pay equipment manufacturer customers; and the Group completed the development of structured light system applied to smart door locks, and conducted strategic cooperation with customers. In terms of the positioning business, the Group completed the R&D of the ToF-related algorithm of the sweeping robot and the development of the binocular solution, and completed the project delivery with key customers. As at 31 December 2020, a total of 836 granted patents have been obtained by the Group in the Optoelectronic Products business segment, including 305 invention patents, 509 utility model patents and 22 exterior design patents. In addition, 1,354 patents are pending approval. OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2020, the revenue from the Optical Instruments business segment was approximately RMB326.4 million, representing an increase of approximately 14.6% compared to that of last year. This segment accounted for approximately 0.8% of the Group’s total revenue, compared to approximately 0.7% of last year. In terms of the microscopes business, the Group completed the R&D of the first ultra-wide field of view (30mm) high magnification objective (20X and 60X) in China and commenced mass production. The objective can observe high-resolution images with a large field of view, which is 44.0% higher than that of the conventional apochromatic objective. In addition, the Group completed the R&D of a high-precision and high-speed switchable laser scanning confocal microscope. The microscope has the functions of high-precision scanning for fixed sections and high-speed scanning for living cells, and its scanning field of view and speed performance are at the domestic leading level.