Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 20 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 在智能裝備業務方面,本集團繼續著重於醫療 及工業兩大領域。在醫療領域,本集團完成了 外周血的免疫熒光篩查設備的研發並形成量產 銷售。該設備採用多波段熒光成像、精密掃描 和圖像分析技術,可應用於風濕類病症免疫檢 測領域。同時,為解決偏遠地區縣域醫院專家 醫療資源緊缺問題,在已有病理掃描器產品的 基礎上,本集團開發了數字病理遠端會診平 台,進一步完善了醫療產業生態圈及促進了掃 描儀的銷售。此外,在工業領域,本集團持續 開發精密零部件缺陷線上檢測設備,不斷提升 AI 算法、超景深視覺技術、高精度激光對焦模 組技術等核心能力,並已在重點市場領域實現 了檢測設備的批量銷售。 於二零二零年十二月三十一日,本集團在光學 儀器事業中已獲授權專利共 176 項,包括發明 專利 33 項,實用新型專利 118 項及外觀設計專 利 25 項。此外,另有 70 項專利正在申請當中。 In terms of the intelligent equipment business, the Group continued to place strong emphasis on medical and industrial fields. In the medical field, the Group completed the R&D of immunofluorescence screening equipment for peripheral blood and commenced mass production and sales. The equipment adopts multi-band fluorescence imaging, precision scanning and image analysis technology, which can be applied to the field of immunological testing for rheumatic disease. At the same time, in order to address the issue of shortage of expert medical resources in county hospitals in remote areas, based on the existing pathology scanner products, the Group developed a digital pathology remote consultation platform, which further improved the medical industry ecosystem and promoted the sales of scanners. In addition, in the industrial field, the Group continued to develop online inspection equipment for defects in precision components, constantly improved core capabilities such as AI algorithms, ultra-depth-of- field vision technology and high-precision laser focusing module technology, and commenced mass sales of testing equipment in key market areas. As at 31 December 2020, a total of 176 granted patents have been obtained by the Group in the Optical Instruments business segment, including 33 invention patents, 118 utility model patents and 25 exterior design patents. In addition, 70 patents are pending approval.