Annual Report 2020

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2020 年報 31 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 CAPITAL STRUCTURE Indebtedness Bank borrowings Bank borrowings of the Group as at 31 December 2020 amounted to approximately RMB2,070.6 million (2019: approximately RMB1,118.6 million). No bank borrowings were secured by certain buildings and land of the Group as at 31 December 2020 and 2019. Bank facilities As at 31 December 2020, the Group had bank facilities of RMB2,777.0 million with Yuyao Sub-branch of Agricultural Bank of China Limited, RMB1,300.0 million with Ningbo Branch of The Export-Import Bank of China, RMB875.0 million with Yuyao Branch of Bank of China Limited, RMB600.0 million with Yuyao Sub-branch of Ningbo Bank Co., Ltd., RMB380.0 million with Yuyao Sub-branch of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd., RMB80.0 million with Ningbo Branch of Huaxia Bank Co., Ltd., RMB70.0 million with Xinyang Pingzhong Street Sub-branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, USD90.0 million with BNP Paribas Hong Kong Branch, USD30.0 million with BNP Paribas Shanghai Branch, USD60.0 million with The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Hong Kong Branch, USD30.0 million with Ningbo Branch of HSBC Bank (China) Co., Ltd., USD60.0 million with Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank Hong Kong Branch, USD20.0 million with Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank Shanghai Branch, USD75.0 million with Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, USD50.0 million with Standard Chartered (Hong Kong) Limited and USD20.0 million with Standard Chartered Bank. 資本結構 債務 銀行借貸 於二零二零年十二月三十一日,本集團的銀行 借貸約人民幣 2,070,600,000 元(二零一九年: 約人民幣 1,118,600,000 元)。於二零二零年及 二零一九年十二月三十一日,本集團並未就銀 行借貸而抵押若干樓宇及土地。 銀行授信 於二零二零年十二月三十一日,本集團於中國 農業銀行股份有限公司餘姚支行的銀行授信為 人民幣 2,777,000,000 元,於中國進出口銀行 寧波分行的銀行授信為人民幣 1,300,000,000 元,於中國銀行股份有限公司餘姚分行的銀 行授信為人民幣 875,000,000 元,於寧波銀行 股份有限公司餘姚支行的銀行授信為人民幣 600,000,000 元,於交通銀行股份有限公司餘 姚支行的銀行授信為人民幣 380,000,000 元, 於華夏銀行股份有限公司寧波分行的銀行授信 為人民幣 80,000,000 元,於中國工商銀行股份 有限公司信陽平中大街支行的銀行授信為人民 幣 70,000,000 元,於法國巴黎銀行香港分行 的銀行授信為 90,000,000 美元,於法國巴黎銀 行上海分行的銀行授信為 30,000,000 美元,於 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司香港分行的銀行授 信為 60,000,000 美元,於滙豐銀行(中國)有 限公司寧波分行的銀行授信為 30,000,000 美 元,於法國東方匯理銀行香港分行的銀行授信 為 60,000,000 美元,於法國東方匯理銀行上海 分行的銀行授信為 20,000,000 美元,於中國銀 行(香港)有限公司的銀行授信為 75,000,000 美元,於渣打銀行(香港)有限公司的銀行授信 為 50,000,000 美元及於渣打銀行的銀行授信為 20,000,000 美元。