Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 38 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 FINAL DIVIDENDS For the year ended 31 December 2020, the Board proposed a dividend of approximately RMB0.888 (equivalent to HK$1.057) per share, with payout ratio of approximately 20.0% of the profit for the year attributable to owners of the Company. The final dividends payable on 24 June 2021 is subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company at the forthcoming annual general meeting (the “ AGM ”) to be held on 25 May 2021. DIVIDEND POLICY The Directors consider sustainable returns to shareholders to be one of the main objectives. The basic policy is to pay final dividends in each financial year. Retained profits are effectively used by the Board to fund the future development of the Group. The Directors currently intend to recommend a distribution to all the shareholders in an amount representing approximately 20% to 30% of the profit for the year attributable to owners of the Company in respect of each financial year by way of dividends. The recommendation for dividends is subject to the discretion of the Board. The Board takes into account the following factors when considering the declaration and payment of dividends: • the Company’s cash position and distributable reserves; • the Group’s overall business condition; • the Group’s financial results; • the Group’s capital requirements; • the interests of the shareholders of the Company; • applicable laws and regulations and the Articles of Association; and • any other factors which the Board may deem relevant. Any dividend declared will be in Hong Kong dollars with respect to Shares on a per share basis and the Company will pay such dividend in Hong Kong dollars. No dividend shall be declared in excess of the amount recommended by the Board. Any final dividend for a fiscal year will be subject to the approval by the shareholders. 末期股息 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度,董 事會建議派發每股約人民幣 0.888 元(相等於 1.057 港元)的股息,支付比例約為本公司股東 應佔年內溢利的 20.0% 。有關末期股息將於二 零二一年六月二十四日支付,惟須於二零二一 年五月二十五日舉行之應屆股東週年大會(「 股 東週年大會 」)取得本公司股東批准。 股息政策 董事認為可持續的股東回報是主要目標之一。 基本政策是在每個財政年度支付末期股息。保 留盈利由董事會有效用於為本集團未來發展提 供資金。 董事目前擬建議向全體股東分派相當於各個財 政年度本公司股東應佔年內溢利約 20% 至 30% 的款項作為股息。建議股息須由董事會酌情決 定。董事會在考慮宣派及派付股息時,會考慮 以下因素: ‧ 本公司現金狀況及可分派儲備; ‧ 本集團的整體業務狀況; ‧ 本集團的財務業績; ‧ 本集團的資本需求; ‧ 本公司股東的利益; ‧ 相關法律與規例及章程細則;及 ‧ 董事會可能認為相關的任何其他因素。 任何股息將以港元就股份按每股基準宣派,且 本公司將以港元派付有關股息。所宣派的股息 不得超逾董事會建議的金額。各財政年度的任 何末期股息須獲股東批准,方可作實。