Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 40 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 GLOBAL DEPLOYMENT Production Bases The Group’s production bases in China are located in Yuyao of Zhejiang Province, Zhongshan of Guangdong Province, Shanghai and Xinyang of Henan Province, respectively. In order to meet the clients’ rapidly growing demand in the overseas markets, the Group has established new production bases in India and Vietnam respectively. During the year under review, the production and operations of the two overseas production bases were affected by the outbreak of COVID-19, but the overall operations was running smoothly. R&D Centers In order to have a timely insight into the industry opportunities and cater to the customers for rapid R&D, the Group has set up R&D centers in China, the U.S.A. and South Korea to provide technical support and reserves for the R&D of optical and optical-related products. 全球化佈局 生產基地 本集團於中國的生產基地分別位於浙江省餘姚 市、廣東省中山市、上海市及河南省信陽市。 為了滿足客戶在海外市場快速增長的需求,本 集團已分別於印度和越南設立新的生產基地。 於回顧年內,海外兩大生產基地的生產運營因 COVID-19 的爆發而受影響,但總體運營順利。 研發中心 為及時洞察行業先機,配合客戶快速研發,本 集團於中國、美國及韓國均設有研發中心,為 光學及光學相關產品的研發提供技術支持及儲 備。 U.S.A. 美國 India 印度 South Korea 南韓 Production bases 生產基地 R&D centers 研發中心 China 中國 Vietnam 越南 河南 Henan 上海 Shanghai 浙江 Zhejiang 廣東 Guangdong